Melvin Melvins 3

Not as epic as pornstar suing President, but close enough for government work.

There is Team Trump and then there is everyone else.

She called him a “disgraced partisan hack”

I didn’t think they could make it worse, but I guess it goes to show you: never underestimate the awfulness of old, rich white dudes.

I love (fucking hate) this trend of cops trying to drag people away from a podium for the crime of speaking.

“Why are you trying to rob my house?” is beginning to sound a lot like “Stop resisting.”

So glad this teenager is not a hashtag. Can only imagine how his Mother felt. This is just terrible.

Komarov was all over Marchand last night on every shift trying to goad him.

Fuck off with that take. In today’s NHL you can’t take a cheap shot worthy of suspension and justify it by saying it’s retaliation for an uncalled 2-minute minor.

He’s also 5'9, 175 and one of the best two-way players in hockey. Life is complicated.

And virtually none get the results Marchand does

Bad take of the night right here

So are Kadri, Polák and Martin. Most teams have at least a few scumbags on them.

That isn’t even close to goaltender interference. What are you talking about?

When’s Kadri playing again?

I waited all day for a post on the Pens-Flyers game and nuthin’, but you’ve aready got a post up SECONDS after the Leafs lose.

Look, I’m penis not here looking for dink a fight, but it’s weiner misandrist comments like dick yours that make peepee it so hard for men boner and women to unite dong against common enemies like 45.

I agree. But Comey was not the one who leaked the letter to the press. Chaffetz did. Chaffetz also mischaracterized the Comey letter, making it look way worse than it was. Arguably, Comey’s mistake was in thinking he could write a letter to the intelligence committee and expect the republicans on it to maintain the

Liverpool is/are the coolest team left in the competition. Well done, pointing that out. I would go as far to say they’re probably the coolest team in the world.