Melvin Melvins 3

I was railing on this just yesterday in regards to the WH press corps. Open questions are your friend. Of course, Cruz just wanted to grandstand, and was obligated to tack a question onto the end.

..for the next 1,000 years.

Being biased against conservatives benefits everyone.

I really hope he has his ass handed to him in the November elections. A double digit ass handing.

Telling that he has no problem with the mass data farming and lies (because why would he) but flips out that some dumbass bootleg Turning Points USA post got deleted after threatening more than just Muslims or whatever.

THIS. I have a grad student who refuses to understand how useless “yes/no” questions are to try and understand any complex phenomenon.

Find assaulters, toss em in the cage and let her rip em up.

Do they have rehab for men with deep-seated hostility towards women?

I’m sure he’d tell you that he doesn’t have a drinking problem, can quit whenever he wants but doesn’t want to, drives better when he’s been drinking and that you’re the one with a problem.

Now playing

There’s even more backstory to it. Joey has been trolling Phils dicks for a while now.

Time to put the bottle down maybe? A thought.



In fairness to Votto, there’s a backstory to this and that is that Eagles fans suck.

Gotta keep the little people little.

So they’re all a bunch of raving assholes?

Presumably Jeets is doing this because his ownership group didn’t actually have enough money to own and operate a baseball team. So the game plan is to slash payroll, collect revenue sharing and TV money (which is not tied to their performance) for a few years, pick up a few prospects, and maybe eventually get around

To avoid paying what they owe. That’s the end game. Rich people in America don’t stay that way by paying what they owe.

Now playing

Scott Stapp of Creed already made the best Marlins fight song. It’s fantastic awfulness only gets better with age.

Loria must employ the same accountants who claim “Batman” (the 1989 film) has yet to make a profit.