I never knew that. Maybe that’s why 30 Rock had a subplot in their live episode where Tracy decided that he needed to break character in every single skit in the most annoying and hamfisted ways.
I never knew that. Maybe that’s why 30 Rock had a subplot in their live episode where Tracy decided that he needed to break character in every single skit in the most annoying and hamfisted ways.
Oh yeah, that’s what I mean. The only real rules Leno abided by were 1) be in a position of power, and 2) don’t cheat on your spouse. He didn’t really care what people did with their power, because that isn’t where his audience was. But so long as you met rules 1) and 2), every sling and arrow would be nerfed. The…
Unreliable source, but I heard from someone who worked with Corden from back when he had done Doctor Who (so big in the UK but not the US) that he was whiny and kind of an asshole. I can sorta see it come out here and there with him, but I don’t watch his show much just clips here and there.
It’s doubly-ironic, because the event that put Leno on top for good was asking Hugh Grant what the hell he was thinking cheating on Elizabeth Hurley, in those words.
This is why I never understood how Jay Leno consistently averaged higher ratings than Letterman. Even as a kid I appreciated how Letterman asked his guests challenging questions and didn’t take their shit. I remember when he got the first interview with Paris Hilton after she got out of jail and was asked by her…
Ima get a little philosophical here. This is where Williams/ Nagel’s moral luck idea comes into play: an action isn’t good or bad until later, when further context clarifies its goodness or badness. If Trump had lost the elctions, this hair fluffing moment would have been a meaningless, goofy memory, but, because…
I dont’ know how anyone watches either. Colbert was great at first after Trump was elected, but it’s the same shit day in and day out. I guess if you have no idea what happened that day in Trumpworld, it’s funny. But the jokes are stale and the cold opens are corny. I don’t care for the TONIGHT: Stormy Weather marquee…
“Keep in mind, Sean Hannity is a talk show host. He’s not under investigation by anyone for anything. Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody’s business,” Carlson said. “No judge has a right to violate his privacy or anybody else’s. Those used to be the rules, but the rules have changed.”
HIPAA doesn’t really protect your doctor/patient confidentiality if you are in cahoots with the doctor to get illegal prescriptions.
“Hell of a way to run a network. I’ll run the country the same way!”
I don’t know. Occam’s razor says the whole thing’s more likely part of a liberal conspiracy to prevent Fox from revealing evidence of Hillary’s murder of Seth Rich because he was about to blow the whistle on the Pizzagate pedophiles’ involvement in Benghazi.
Oh NOW there is some sacred right to privacy?
When your co-workers are openly saying “I’m glad you’ve embroiled yourself in an ethics scandal to distract the public from my own ongoing ethics scandal.”, it’s entirely possible there’s an ethics problem with the organization as a whole.
Late capitalism.
According to Mejia, BLA targets “financially struggling” Caribbean prospects with limited English skills, and tries to pressure them into signing away future earnings in exchange for small amounts of cash up front.
Who the hell doesn’t remember Elgin Baylor? He might not be a household name (which is no biggie,my girlfriend couldn’t name a current NBA player at gunpoint) anymore,but anyone who identifies as an NBA fan surely know who he is.
Elgin Baylor’s gotta be the most underappreciated superstar of all time, in basketball or any major sport. The guy…
Nah. He’s rich, though. Not nearly as rich as he says he is, but rich enough to buy his way out of a shit-ton of trouble. It might be harder since his fixer is in trouble, too, but Trump hasn’t met a problem yet that money or the promise of money couldn’t solve.
Oh sure, this happens all the time and has kept me out of jail. Often when the feds raid my crackhouse, I simply ask the judge to allow me to withhold all the drugs and money seized thus preventing any of it from being logged in as evidence. :/