I take great joy in having been able to vote against this woman twice.
I take great joy in having been able to vote against this woman twice.
Agree. Took my first Ubers ever this summer. All the drivers were pleasant and helpful. Cars were clean. Then took a cab back to the airport. He was a jerk (tried to demand cash when we wanted to pay by credit card, which the cab company took), the ride cost twice as much, and the cab smelled so strongly of cologne…
I know. For all the stories about how evil uber/lyft is no one ever mentions how fucking predatory cab drivers have been and what a godsend it is to have some kind of improvement on that front.
You mean . . . “pay to play”??? lol
FAKE NEWS! Donald Trump is not a cab driver!
And to think Rod Blagojevich is currently doing 14 years in the federal Pen just for calling a senate seat “Fucking Golden.”
Well, at least we know who’s gonna be the new head of the IRS.
Good thing we didn’t elect the candidate who engages in “pay-for-play”.
small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?
This was just straight up purchased.
Mother Jones are just useful idiots, who think they’re ‘exposing’ him instead of just hyping him, because they’re stupid. The LA Times, like others, are all-out glorifying him. It’s beyond fucking belief. I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again and again over the next four years, none of this seems real.
Good taste = intelligence=wisdom/common sense therefore fascism is logical.
Can you explain to me how this happened overnight? Europe has been heading this way for a decade but these little stormtroopers just took over here in the blink of an eye. I really don’t know what’s happening.
Seriously, it’s as if they think “But he handsome and wears nice clothes! Isn’t it somehow ironic that he’s a fucking racist piece of shit?!?”
Just because someone has good taste in things doesn’t mean they have good ideas.
The media aren’t going to be satisfied until they’ve made this Nazi Pig a thing and he has tens of millions of followers.
Nick Offerman has a great bit about this in his stand-up routine. Basically he had lots of sex with a very devout girl at a Bible camp.
Church camp is where my husband felt his first boob. He also witnessed a blowjob. My children are NEVER going to church camp.
I used to go to these Bible retreats and camps all the time and this sounds about right. I will say that summer Bible camps for teenagers are the most sexual places on the face of the Earth.
As much as I don’t like American conservatism, it wouldn’t even get a single vote in the AP Top 25 Rankings of mean-spirited political movements ever.