Melvin Melvins 3

It’s becoming kristall clear that our pres elect has the Reich stuff.

Yep. A real nachtmare!

Not a fan. They make me itchy, give me nightmares, and keep me from going potty for ages. Hate that.

Agreed. The people that think we’ll get over this stuff in four years have their heads in the sand.

Will any of this ever be bleakly funny again, or can I expect these rage paroxysms to continue forever?

See also: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It would seem Paul Waldman was right, then:

Well, in the military, your salary is entirely determined by your rank (and then stuff like hazard pay and bonuses), so there’s that, but it’s more a case of pay being shitty for everyone.

Oh we goin’ to war. Believe you me, we are going.

Well, the White House has the same stance on drafting women and the PFA (in favor), and both have the same likelihood of actually happening anytime soon (nil).

It’s equal in the military, so you’re all set.

Trump did, for one he fabricated.

I think we need the draft, and with extremely tight controls on deferments. Politicians should have to face the chance war will affect their own families, and we shouldn’t enter war without public support.

I guess I was just doing my part to support this woman in a proper DRAFT of this headline.

I’m firmly against the draft. But if my guy friends had to register for Selective Service, I should have had to, as well. (At this point, since I’m over 45, I doubt I will ever have to register for the draft. And since I’m over 45 *and disabled*, I wouldn’t actually get drafted. So the point is moot. But 18-year-old

I’m firmly against this move, but it’s because I’m firmly against the draft regardless of gender.

If we make women sign up for selective service, it will deprive the MRAs of whinging point.


We’re not supposed to question Obama, we just need to know his tastes in music.

Donald has a number of supporters who are convinced that he’s going to stand up for the protesters. A lot of people find it easy to project all of their wishes onto him. I just hope the people who voted for him on the basis of all of the contradictory promises he made are paying attention to what he actually does.