Melvin Melvins 3

Still better than the billion names that rhyme with Aiden we’ve been getting for the past 20 years.

No. Papa is Grandpa.

I think you have to be shameless to work for the Trump administration.

And “We’re talking about news here, not ladies’ complaints.”

Just once, I want to hear something from her that makes objective sense and gives me some idea who she is and why she feels the way she does.

Everything out of her mouth feels like some elaborate simulated chatbot.

Notice how she shifts attention from the questioner’s “Trump’s sexual assaults” to the generic “sexual assault.”

That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.

  • He joins a fellow billionaire—an Amway heiress and major political donor—who will be running the Department of Education.

It’s amazing going to Breitbart just to read the comments and see how many people are just now turning on Trump while so many others are in so denial. Still crowing, “We have to trust him. He is playing 3D chess! It’s just the beginning. No, no, this is smart!”

It would be much funnier if we weren’t going to get sucked down with them.

Yes, 100%. Because that’s how economies fucking work.

Because its another lie, just like the Ford plant story.

Hey yokels, enjoy getting fucked in the ass:)

Remember when Trump’s election “brought neoliberalism to it’s knees?” That was a fun two days, when people believed this.

That was actually a fairly common view in much of Asia, not just Korea. A combination of historic grudges and racism.

Thank you! I took an immersion class in it. Called “Gamergate Assholes Invade Reddit”.