Melvin Melvins 3

Wait, but won’t Trump still deport him back to Cuba even with the new contract?

On the other hand, St Louis based Rams fans will have to wait about 21 years before being able to see Rams home games again.

Take that Jeff!

Right? “It ain’t Donald’s policies that tanked the economy, it was those people buying lobster and iphones with my tax dollars!”

“hate crimes whose perpetrators specifically invoked Trump and dad was still like: Nope, it’s not what you think.”

They won’t see it as a fault of the Republican control of the government no matter what. Like in the Bush era, they’ll blame liberal programs for sucking up all the money and leaving none for them despite the hard work of their champions in DC.

I know the shit has his the fan because white tourists in Manhattan are being openly racist to Black NYers in like, Starbucks. Out of the blue, for no reason.

They’re not smart enough to get that. Truly. They’ll swallow anything that promises them something over the “other.”

Let us not forget to mention the fact that many of these people have also voted representatives into office who have screwed them royally and have helped to accelerate the secular economic trends that have been at the root of their immiseration.

Donald Trump told the New York Times, “I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group... It’s not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why.”

Because Fulgencio Batista was so much better than Castro. Ah, the good old days. What LeBatard is saying is that his family did fine under a repressive military dictatorship but suffered under a repressive socialist authoritarian.

Yep, I live in Trumpland and can confirm. They will not listen, they do not care, racism existed before and this has nothing to do with Trump, he is going to unite our nation etc etc etc they do NOT give a fuck.

I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back

Reporting from Trump country: facts still don’t matter and these reports are not proof that Trump has normalized bigotry in this country or that his election has led to an increase in hate crimes. I know that it looks like there is indisputable truth, but what you are looking at is stuff that happens ALL THE TIME and

thank you so much for this. i don’t have the patience to have put it down the way you did. this headline can extend to Le Batard as well....he doesn’t seem to understand Cuba or its relationship to Castro very much at all (being the child of Cuban exiles can, understandably, shut you off to those themes). The history

If you guys ran an unchallenged opinion from some other reactionary conservative demographic in the United States, you would rightfully be criticized for it. But of course you never would do that, would you? The claim that Fidel Castro’s crimes are equivalent in scale to those of Adolf Hitler is so fucking absurd to

He murdered tons of people, but because he’s left of center I’m going to defend him!


Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

“At 20 years old I cared what everyone thought about me. At 40 years old I stopped caring about what others thought of me. At 60 years old I realized nobody gave a crap about me.”