As someone on the wrong side of 50, this fact comes more into focus as the years roll along.
As someone on the wrong side of 50, this fact comes more into focus as the years roll along.
I’d rather have ten gauge needles dug into my eyelids while starving humming birds dug through my bowels and the Stay Puft man from Ghostbusters gave me a rectal exam rather than watch an episode of Girls. That being said as a 1/9 octopus with 47 gender identities, bushels of grapes for hands, penises sprouting from…
It’s really the truth. Is that morally right? Beats the bejeezus out of me. But “as someone who is extremely busy”, it’s easy to have sympathy for others when you interact with them, but most people are consumed with trying to see another, better sunrise than trying to solve the ills of the world.
it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!
There are a TON of people like this that have to continually push their progressive and oh so diverse street cred. It’s like an Internet comments section: “As the mother of a queer, gender nonconforming, autistic kid with disabilities...”, “as someone who is 1/8 Native American and half Tibetan...”, “As someone who is…
continually rolling out her bonafides when she does something like this is getting tiresome as well - it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!
How about a gofundme to send Lena to Mars?
lena dunham : profile in courage.
This wild-ass year will never cease until it gives every one of us a heart attack, a seeping ulcer, and a probably…
I loved her kinja, but your kinja reaction to her kinja just made me almost piss myself
You misspelled Reagan there.
Right, this is actual political correctness, getting upset cause someone used a word, not critiquing racism or sexism. And surprise surprise, it generally serves to cover the tracks of racists and sexists, just like it always has.
Was it Wisconsin that had several precincts that registered more votes for Trump than the total number of votes actually cast in the precinct?
I was looking at the numbers and, with the amount of people who voted for her in places like Cali and NYC, it’s perfectly possible that millions of more people voted for her while she still lost the election.
Why do you say “no way”? It’s distribution. She ran up the score in super blue states and lost them in swing ones that mattered, and whoopsy-daisy, we unfortunately award points based on artificial geographical districts rather than aggregate measures that would allow a cross-border alliances of classes and factions…
There’s no way Hillary rolled up a three million plus margin in the popular vote, which is where this is heading, and lost PA, WI & MI. Every other time someone won the electoral college but lost the popular vote, it was by a squeaker, by a few hundred thousand votes, but Hillary might have won the popular vote by…
When people complain about white liberalism, this is exactly what they’re talking about.
Exactly. I would also like to implore my fellow women to stop crying and start getting nasty.