Melvin Melvins 3

You can gaslight people you’re not close to. Donald Trump has without question used gaslighting in public discourse many times. When people are left looking up video of him to make sure he really said what they thought, wondering, “Is it possible he really didn’t say that? Am I the crazy one?”, they’ve been gaslit.

We have a psychopath for president-elect who is attempting (as a good psychologist friend of mine put it) to gaslight the whole country.

The electoral college won’t officially vote until December 19th. I know they will vote for him, but a part of me has to hope they won’t.

Not yet. If you read the comments on Breibart, they’re saying this is a fake-out so OBUMMER can’t pardon her. This is just a head-fake, probably orchestrated by the BRILIANT Bannon, so the left lowers their guard till he’s in the Oval. At which point: It. Is. On.

aren’t we glad we didn’t elect some WOMAN who would be worried about her appearance all the time instead of concentrating on her job?!!!

As someone who has a lot of access to Trump supporters, they simply do not care. They don’t care that he’s been lying to them constantly for months, promising things that are, as you said, almost uniformly impossible to deliver, and that his policies completely lack detail depth, and nuance. They Do. Not. Care. They

The thought of all those rabid, vicious assholes turning on him en masse makes me kinda giddy.

This is what got me all through the election. How did his supporters, who constantly criticized Hillary for being dishonest, not realize Trump was constantly lying about everything and - probably more importantly to his supporters - the things he was promising to do are, almost without exception, impossible to

If they recognized the politicians as the reason they aren’t wealthy, in spite of all their promises, the Republicans would have fallen out of power years ago.

Much like you I suspect once his followers realize their sucky lives are still sucky no matter what crazy racist shit Trump does, & most likely even suckier. They’ll turn on him like Piranhas on a fresh kill.

When I got the news alert on my phone I went to the Breitbart site for the first time ever. I saw the headline and it made me almost happy for the first time since this shitshow of an election.

Yes. And what is even more terrifying to me is how many people believe him and think that is reasonable and a power that the president actually has.

I did not think it was possible for me to hate someone more than I hate Ann Coulter, but I’ve reached that point with this haggard, facially-melting excuse for a human being.

I posted this down below, but it’ll get lost in the greys (sigh).

Get used to it, right wing idiots. The broken promises are only going to keep coming, and they’re going to get bigger and bigger until you can’t ignore that this orange buffoon is not going to be making you wealthy.

Not yet. Maybe once Trump fails to get rid of every brown and black person in the United States?

“But if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that is a good thing.

How, exactly, are we not going to end up in a civil war with these goobers?

I still love, in an evil bitch sorta way, that all Chris Christie really wants in life is to be friends with Bruce Springsteen and ol’ Bruce basically said “nah.”

I remember a particular scandal in which liberals and moderates stayed home or voted third party.