Invading America?
Invading America?
To be fair, China has the right to just lock their best athletes in soccer stadiums and force them to play until they are good.
First thought, no snark, he’s in deep with Scientology or the like.
Better yet, his girlfriend is Xenu.
Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.
As a former teacher: Good. Nobody like this deserves to be a teacher.
That’s the most important takeaway from this. the Alt-right thinks they’re disrupting the status-quo, when really they’re just reenforcing it.
That’s just “conservative humor”. It’s almost always mean-spirited with plenty of misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic jokes.
This. Pretty sure swastikas came and went about 70 years ago, that’s not hip.
Really fucking tired of people pretending like the same racist, sexist, homophobic shit that’s gone on forever is somehow ‘anti-establishment’ or ‘edgy.’ That is just the status quo.
Because a solid 95% of the American public, including the very educated, don’t understand even basic probability.
Thanks again, millennials, for ruining absolutely everything!
My husband was convinced the media was saying the election was too close in order to drive turn out. #nope
Silver constantly warned that this election was different given the volatility in the polls and the large amount of undecided voters. He also warned that there was a significant possibility that Trump would win the Electoral College, but would lose the popular vote. Nate Cohn at the Upshot, however, was completely…
Anybody with that relative or friend with a terrible habit or way of “relating”—the controlling one, the guilt-tripper, the whatever, can tell you that nine times out of ten, said behavior lasts exactly as long as others tolerate it.
I’m tired of being the kid victim of these people’s love affair with their abusers.
It’s becoming apparent to me that my progressive bubble in the SF Bay Area is also not free from evangelical Christian single-issue Trump supporters and casual racists. It’s everywhere, sadly; it’s just more overt and widespread in some areas than in others. :(
You missed about 35 states.
Sooner or later, people are going to figure out that the South and IA, KAS, OK, TX, MT, etc are still really fucking racist. And yet, we care about the Iowa caucus, we care about what rural voters in WV think; every election we have to endure endless speculation about what those backwards fucks think. I do not care;…