Melvin Melvins 3

I knew he didn’t look right after that hit. But I was thinking concussion, not lung puncture, damn.

Can we move on from the pats and deflating already?

Neo-nazis are happy, rich whites are happy, MRAs are happy.

Modest success: raising taxes on the wealthy (relative to Republican positions); overtime rule; and by last year, US incomes were rising in a (relatively) encouraging way:

He can mock all he wants. He won both of his contest.

Obama: “If we are going to get through the next four years, we need to spread the Love.”

So, to spite me they elect someone they wouldn’t let their wife, sister, daughter, or mother be alone in a room with....?

“I have received a number of inquiries relative to a note I wrote to Donald on Monday,” Belichick said. “Our friendship goes back many years, and I think anybody who’s spent more than five minutes with me knows I’m not a political person. My comments are not politically motivated — friendship and loyalty to

Gisele reported said no about the endorsement by Brady.


Is it okay to be a little happy for the guy? I mean, yeah, totally entitled fundie dickboy taking a spot that should go to a guy who lived his life for a shot, no doubt. But he’s playing in the backwaters, working his ass off, and he got a cool moment. So, salut.

Do you have a link to that? When I’m done laughing at Tebow, I would LOVE to read 15-20 pages on a Pakistani baseball team playing in a major international tournament.

FUCK! Let’s get a warning so I don’t grab these hot takes without oven mittens, okay?

He then got a letter from Belichick that read: “Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have to deal with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully. You have proven to be the ultimate competitor fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you but

I hope he got Belichick to autograph a blank piece of paper and then just wrote that shit on it. That would be my favorite Trump lie yet.

Seriously! He even did that weird adverb thing he does.

Man, that Belichick letter doesn’t at all read like something Trump would write himself! Not at all!

Notice it says nowhere that Belichick endorses him or plans to vote for him. Belichick has probably never taken the time to register to vote.

Trump did have trouble reading Brady’s endorsement, because of the paws between sentences.

Tom Brady, a fancy dog, would never endorse a man who disparages dogs so frequently.