Melvin Schultz

So, just for the sake of honesty, why was it necessary to mention the iPhone niche phone in EVERY article about any Android phone? It’s such a pathetic infomercial for Apple. iPhone is about 15% of the whole market, dominated by a wide margin by Android phones. Why do you all treat it like some kind of a “standard by

Nobody’s going to live on Mars who doesn’t live in a lead box. Before the cartoon department of NASA photoshops the pictures taken by the rovers, the intense radiation from both space, the sun and secondary radiation from the space radiation coming off the Martian surface pixelates the photos so bad it’s hard to pick

The moronic part is the ship, itself. Sub sailors call them “targets”, which is all they are good for. Surface ships no longer serve a purpose after WW2. Too slow, to cumbersome and SO easily destroyed by modern weaponry. That Russian jet could have destroyed this ship and everyone in it from 200-300 miles away, if

The headlines say 232,000 orders already! Are we all ready to have dinner in the dark?