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    True, but they'll be done w/ the third novel in the final episode of this season. Beyond that, M. Knight will have to create this thing on his own. I actually enjoy most of his work (I know, I know. It's funny), but can you imagine the twists he's going to come up with without Blake Crouch's influence? Yikes.

    The author of this article is spot on in many instances, but seems to think ratings are the only factor pertaining to this show. Wayward Pines is supposed to be a limited series. Sure, a limited series can go beyond a single season, but everyone involved in this project has repeatedly stated this was a one-season

    I love this show, but I don't think I want to see it with entirely new characters. We should leave it where Blake Crouch left things in the trilogy of books and not try to reinvent the thing. Maybe if they can sign a few of the major players back on and get another big name actor, it might work. Oh, and Blake Crouch

    Depends on your idea of trash! They're not going to win any awards, but I was completely engrossed and devoured them in two days—and still worked a day job. Blake Crouch keeps you very engaged, though I can easily let the small plot holes go in order to enjoy a read/show. Does it seem unlikely people in suspended

    No! The show is actually doing a better job w/ the kids. The kids weren't even a huge focus in the books, though it is implied they know the truth when the adults do not. The same "everyone went crazy" trope was used. The author does write that Pilcher tried several groups with varying outcomes before setting on the

    There are FOUR episodes left; the reviewer is incorrect.

    Well, it's preferable to the novels where EVERYONE was white. I don't think it was intentional and it wasn't expressed literally, but it was certainly implied. Pope was a blonde jerk kinda guy and everyone else was lily white. If Pilcher was a genius he'd have traveled the world in search of the smartest people from

    Those that keep asking "how can this be that" should read the novels. The show can do only so much to convey the lengths Pilcher went to to preserve the supplies and such. I'm not saying the book makes every scenario plausible, but it certainly is action-packed and allows just enough believability to still thoroughly

    If it is picked up by cable or Netflix/similar platform, can you imagine how deliciously disgusting it will be? I mean, I have to avert my eyes occasionally on fn NBC, so w/ no restrictions this show could seriously be insane. I also think more people will check it out on cable/NF that never gave it a shot before

    This beautiful, deranged show belongs on cable or Netflix. It shouldn't be subject to the constraints imposed by broadcast television. The cancellation might be good news—provided one of these other platforms is smart enough to pick it up.

    So, 43 is over the hill? You must be 21. I'm in my early thirties and my early twenties feel like last week. Just wait; it sneaks up on you.

    I loved the pilot because I love the genre and thought it had much potential. The lead actress is quite talented, but you're right, A.V. Club, that great performances can only go so far with inadequate material. All of your complaints are valid, but I don't see any of them being an issue with general viewership. The

    They shouldn't have put that in the preview! omg

    They were really good. Blake Crouch was an unknown author to me until I discovered this show, but his writing keeps you turning pages. I'm not sure which is worse: reading before watching or watching before reading. I suppose it depends. I was too intrigued and impatient with this one after seeing the pilot and then

    Arlene's former profession was school bus driver? A cute nod to her Forrest Gump role.

    I was disappointed to see Terrence Howard & Juliette Lewis absent from the credits. IMDB and their trickery; they listed them as part of the main cast for all ten episodes. I know they're both dead, but I thought based on IMDB we'd still see them in flashbacks.

    I can't wait for the reveal next week! I think those of us that have finished the trilogy of books are itching to participate in the conversation without revealing anything.

    He didn't write this. Wayward Pines is based on a trilogy of fantastic books written by Blake Crouch. It's a very good show, and M. Night has very limited influence.

    It's also freakin hilarious that his last name is Lilywhite.

    I love the genre, so I'm willing to overlook a few things.