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    He was brilliant.


    I didn't really like the first three episodes as much as others seemed to, but I liked everything that came after MUCH better. I don't know if it's enough to be "better" for your taste, but you may want to check it out again. I'll see it through, even if I'm not as engaged as I was during the first season.

    It was the number one drama last summer, on any network, so the ratings were indeed great for a summer show.

    I've loved all the episodes in the back half of this season. When I rewatch the entire season, I may enjoy the earlier ones more than I initially did - it was just too much change to start the season. However, I really think Headless needs to reappear; the Headless Horseman is a staple of Sleepy Hollow, even this

    I love Cuba as OJ. Sure, he doesn't look like the man, but I think he's an excellent actor. The whole cast is great, even Travolta's creepy Shapiro.

    Those who thought the B plot was creepy: we don't know how descriptive Joan's dad was when writing about the sexual encounters. If he wrote smut, then yes, it's certainly disgusting. If he conveyed more about their closeness and how they eventually 'made love' without being too descriptive, I don't see much wrong with

    I found this episode the most interesting Elementary episode to-date, if not an original story.

    Actually, it has a much better chance for survival on Fridays than its Thursday death slot. Grimm, a comparable show, has fared well for FIVE seasons now, and is still going strong. Ratings aren't expected to be huge on Fridays, so it still has a chance.

    Absolutely. So tired of everyone declaring them platonic; it's a work in progress. The 'will they, won't they' element is in play, as it should be. I usually find romance tedious on any show, but they have a chemistry that needs to be explored. Romance should never be the central story, but Ichabbie won't come off

    NOPE sorry. Zoe the extra was not missing; she's not a member of the cast. I hope we never see her again. I also disagree regarding the Sophie reveal. She was terrible as a bad guy, and I immediately liked her once the reveal happened. Also, the look on Abbie's face at Reynold's somewhat-betrayal! No, Sophie's not a

    I missed that! I confess to averting eyes & singing through both date scenes because I can't accept this bachelor Crane thing. Zoe scenes are tedious, but now I have hope there's a purpose for it all. It's just way too coincidental that she accepts freely all of Crane's eccentricities, or what she thinks are

    At least Hodgins & Angela are still awesome after all these years…

    Love the episode, but trying to insert Betsy Ross is so ridiculously forced. I didn't mind her scene w/Paul Revere and her posted by her niece's bedside, but this dentist scene was all wrong. Here we have Ichabod w/Abbie at dentist. We already know they have a million unexplored feelings, so we'll just let that slide.

    It's so funny to read all these comments where people dissect this show. It's FUNNY. It's not supposed to be taken seriously AT ALL. I think many are confused and think this is a drama. Who cares if there are inconsistencies and such? I have a great time with this show and will continue to watch it for as long as Fox

    This show is fkn hilarious.

    I have to disagree with this review. I love Phil and Carol alone, but prefer them all as a group. Last night was my favorite episode so far, and I could watch Tandy-hate for hours; it doesn't get old for me. When they instantly knew Tandy Phil was alive as Carol was completing her speech, I was dying. And her death

    You'll notice the only other person that upvoted this is someone that has Katia Winter, sadly, as an avatar. And other who I think mistakenly upvoted having not read the entire comment (this person praises Beharie elsewhere).

    Affirmative action? It's not 1990. She's amazing and owns every scene she's in. She's also praised in every critical piece I've read about her work. I'm white and not once did I think such a racist thought. Good one.

    All the other reviews I've read are positive. I agree w/a few things written here, but you should watch it and judge yourself. It was better than season two, just this one episode, if that helps at all.