Kevin Baker

The six pointed star on the floor of Gringotts originates from the films (which isn’t to say they shouldn’t have changed it in the game).

All the positive reviews I’ve said say it’s well executed, especially in terms of environment art and open world design, but I haven’t seen anything that suggests it’s not the bog standard open world template applied to a new IP.

Judged on its own merits, it’s pretty good. But judged as a series, 1-3 is a much more powerful series than 1-4.

I think people understand that you can’t build theme park rides to accommodate every body type. But, especially considering this ride does not move very quickly, it’s hard to believe it wasn’t feasible to design it more inclusively. 

It depends on height. I’m 6'3" with a 36" waist, and qualify for at least a broad definition of “thin”. I could gain an extra four inches of waist line and still be in the thinner half of Americans.

“Annual expenses” should be how much you spend in one single year, it’s how much you spend on average.

Granted, figuring that out can be tricky.

...what would a multilateral increase in game prices look like?

I was wondering that too, and I can’t decide which option is funnier.

Was there ever really hype for pirates? There have been a handful of very sucessful pirate-based franchises, but they were never really A Thing like, say, zombies were.

This is just salary. Total compensation can easily be double that, as they get typically-large bonuses and stock.

Keep in mind they get pretty hefty compensation beyond the salaries. It’s not rare for bonuses and stock options to be worth as much as base pay.

I assume the reason why Disney licensed their IP for produce was to avoid accusations that they exclusively helped market unhealthy food.

There’s not much they can do to stop third party miniatures, except for the small handful of creatures that are original to D&D. It’s clearly not copyright violation to sell a 30 mm tall wizard.

So on the one hand it’s kinda concerning language. On the other hand, what he’s saying is fundamentally “We’re not doing a good job of making supplemental products non-DMs want to buy, and we should fix that”, which is reasonable enough.

Hopefully the executives at Wizards have a long enough memory to remember

Of the planets we see more than once, most of them have more than one town:

Tatooine: Two major cities and various smaller settlements shown
Naboo: Two major cities and a town shown
Coruscant: Ok, technically one town, but we’ve seen different districts with very different vibes.

Eh, I definitely think it’s possible to make a Star Wars show as good as Andor that includes Jedi, but Andor, in particular, definitely benefitted from not shoehorning in Ahsoka or Cal Kestis or Kannan Jarrus or some new Jedi survivor.

Let me summarize three quarters of the list:

Don’t get: Affordable item that fulfills the requirements of many users perfectly well.
Do get: Something that costs more than twice as much.

Yeah, “fuck X” is what you say when you need to vent about X but don’t necessarily expect to be able to do anything about it.

Depending on your use case, a PHEV might be better for the environment than full electric. If the 37.5 mile range covers ninety-nine percent of your use, occasionally burning a bit of gas is probably less damaging than manufacturing and hauling around a bunch of batteries.

I enjoyed Rogue One plenty, and the third act is spectacular, but it suffered from an underwhelming protagonist. Andor is definitely better.