Kevin Baker

While I agree it’d be nice if it was increased, the Dependent Care FSA works out to a thousand bucks a year or so saved for a middle-income family. I’d hardly call that “relatively pointless”.

Not sure if I agree with that. It’s true you’ll get them all eventually, but collecting them slower=leveling slower=killing enemies slower=less XP.

I assure you, those two are not the only ones.

The key difference is that some stories work for revisionist takes that switch the viewers sympathy, and some don’t. Mufassa was a tyrant and Scar was right to lead the oppressed hyenas against him? Sure. Romani are actually sub-human and Frollo had the right to rape and murder Esmerelda? Definitely not.

Fortunately, absolutely no one is forcing children to undergo HRT. What is child abuse, though, and absolutely is happening, is legally denying children medical care despite the opinions of their parents, their doctor, and the American Medical Association.

Lots of frozen foods come with frozen sauce packets. Assuming you want the sauce defrosted in the time it takes to heat the rest of the food, you need to do something to speed the process up.

NPR has done video game reviews for years, though they’re normally website-only and they’re choose which games to cover seemingly arbitrarily.

This looks like a digital equivalent to having Dwarven Forge terrain and an extensive miniature collections. A good virtual tabletop also need to let you draw elements, either for on-the-fly encounters or to handle stuff not in the 3D model library, but it’s not remotely a threat to the hobby. And encounters with a

Maybe a martial art? Or proper dancing, as opposed to Zoomba’s vaguely dance-like calisthenics? Rock climbing?

Something active enough to be a workout, but with enough of a mental challenge to doing it properly to keep you engaged.

That’s not a real distinction. “Toned” just means a moderate amount of muscle mass and low body fat percentage. The idea that it requires a special set of exercises is entirely the invention of people trying to make money. The quickest way to a toned body is to control your diet, follow a standard weight lifting

It’s way too late to avoid some very bad things. It’s not too late to avoid even worse things.

I’d happily spend $45 total on cosmetics in a free to play game I liked. I spent a bit more then that in League of Legends. But for one skin? Nah.

I really doubt that. Sure, Stranger Things has a massively larger viewer base that the others, but it doesn’t make an especially compelling argument for playing the game (except perhaps in the latest season). Critical Role might have a fraction the audience, but also converts a far, far larger percentage of its

Puerto Rico seems like the best bet.

Unity was used for visualization during production of Lion King, but none of the final shots are straight out of Unity.

If it’s totally automated (target date fund or the like), yeah, just ignore it. But if you’re self-managing at all, you should go in and rebalance your ratio of stocks to bonds on a regular basis, regardless of current economic conditions.

To be fair, if this happened in any other context you’d probably wouldn’t hear about it, so there’s potentially some sampling bias going on.

As QA, you’re very aware that you’re the most easily replaceable members of the team. It’s really easy to think “This seems iffy, but also doesn’t seem like an accident and I don’t want to pick a fight”. At Volition we had a way to anonymously send feedback to the diversity council for exactly that reason, but I don’t

There are absolutely situations with informal, but strictly enforced, rules for fighting. If you get in a fist fight in a rowdy bar, people will either stand back or try and pull you apart. If you try and gouge someone’s eye out, a whole lot of people are gonna gang up on you.

And even without outside intervention,

I don’t see any benefit to setting a top of the range. What I said when I was interviewing for my current job was “It depends on benefits, bonuses, and the exact nature of the position and project, but the minimum I’d consider is $X”. That’s enough to establish we’re in the same ballpark and don’t waste both our time