Kevin Baker

I would say though that the dynamic generated quest concept itself if kind of the problem though.

By very definition.... it’s filler that’s trying to claim it isn’t and generally is only just above a fetch quest. And specifically it’s filler that make it clear it’s trying to extend playtime by producing the idea of

In a vacuum, no it should not.

Geodata can do that. My friend was pregnant last year, and for a few days after every time she came over we’d get ads about baby stuff. If you’re in proximity to someone for a period of time, your ad preferences will “bleed” over to other people based on the (often correct assumption) that you’ll be discussing

Everything you said was wrong.

You may be misunderstanding the way this works. They spent $250M building a hotel. Instead of reducing their profits by $250M the year they built it, they spread out the cost over the life of the hotel (the only legal and logical way to do it). Now the hotel is worthless so instead of spreading it out over time they

Actually that is really the opposite of what they need to do with the property. The LARP was the fun part, being a hotel was the issue that was draining Disney dry.

This guy’s whole “I would LOVE an EV but think about the environment/poor countries/indigenous people/price” argument is like a fossil-fuel company’s textbook “green initiatives” strategy that’s really all about why we shouldn’t be using alternative power sources. “We’re developing solar and wind farms, they’re only

The impacts mentioned above don’t even touch the damage done by oil production every year, and it’s getting worse as the oil supply gets harder to get to. It impacts every country in the world, the is almost always the worst for the poorest parts of the population. Displaced natives are happening here in the US

I think everyone here is vastly underestimating how many board games are shipped and sold. I was watching a random video on youtube where a shipping guy bought a random truck’s shipment that had been abandoned by it’s original owner. It was filled with pallets full of boxes of harry potter yatzee, and various other

I think it’s silly to suggest that simply buying a game can completely negate all the good you’ve done for a cause.

Tons of parents stay and watch every practice. Tons. I find that helicopter sports parenting is more common in the very competitive club sports (the teams that parents pay $$$ for their kid to be on) than it is for city league stuff, though. I coached club volleyball, which can easily cost $5,000+ for a season, and

“You need to be making better arguments,” says guy whose best argument is an overused, cynical cliche parroted for generations by people who don’t understand how writing works.

Just read the article dummy, it’s not clickbaity at all and is a thoughtful exploration of the issue

She’s already fabulously wealthy so it’s hardly as if she gives a shit anymore anyways.

I’m inclined to chalk some of this up to the first version of the ride being implemented in Japan. It probably wasn’t 100% guaranteed they’d get the nod to add Nintendo to the rest of the parks, so they designed the original ride vehicles for a Japanese audience and now they’re just re-using them elsewhere. Nintendo

Probably no ride can be built to accommodate all body types, but setting the size limit right at the average American waist size seems needlessly exclusionary. Was there really no way to use larger seats?

Are you just talking about 4e, or are you trying to claim 5e was a failure?

Mentally healthy people be radicalized.  Mentally healthy people can do terrible things.  The idea that we can prevent evil through mental health care is based on prejudices.

I imagine part of this is due to PReP and other effective HIV prevention and treatment. People are forgetting there are plenty of OTHER nasty STDs out there.

The gift led to the family’s potential net worth dropping $2.994 billion dollars and funds an environmental non-profit in perpetuity. Who cares about the freaking tax implication?