In Japan, Ghibli is anything but niche. And Disney happens to have a park in Japan.
In Japan, Ghibli is anything but niche. And Disney happens to have a park in Japan.
There’s a quote from Chuck Close I hear pretty frequently in art circles: “Amateurs look for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work.”
I get why if you’re trying to make huge changes, something more effort intensive like ynab would get better results (and I’d assume most everyone on r/personalfinance would fall into that category). That’s only one usage case, though. Plenty of people have basically decent financial habits, and just want to be able to…
It seems you could get a much better experience pretty easily by modding it into an existing game, rather than building something from scratch in Unity.
Granted, I don’t know if there are any modable iOS games, so you’d have to use a PC based headset.
The intent of right of way rules is to learn to always defend before launching a counterattack, which is certainly valuable to learn. However, over time people realized that it also meant you could be as reckless when attacking as you wanted to, and sport fencing became more and more removed from swordfighting.
That’d be a pretty terrible technique in an actual battle, though, because people hit with swords don’t die quickly. You need to hit while still cutting off the line of possible counter attack.
Both fully armored in their respective armor, the knight wins reliably. Unarmored, it probably comes down to individual skill.
I believe infections meant that people getting brutal wounds but surviving were relatively rare.
For many guards, leverage is working seriously against you. Lifting three pounds is easy; holding three pounds with you arm fully extended horizontally for a substantial period of time is a challenge for most anyone.
That being said, longsword is actually much less physically demanding than many one handed swords,…
The longsword really is primarily a slashing weapon, meant ideally to be used against lightly or unarmored opponents. If you’re up against a heavily armored opponent, you use a mace or similar weapon if at all possible.
Now yes, if you are up against a heavily armored opponent and you only have a sword, you half-sword…
At no point were swords anything like sharpened clubs. The balance is totally wrong for that. If you were going to club someone with a sword you’d use the pommel or quillions, not the blade.
If I’m doing my math right, 20% down on a house with an affordable mortgage payment could easily be half a year’s income. Saving 2% isn’t gonna cut it, unless you’re expecting outside help with the down payment.
That’s very aggressive. Not bad, if you can afford it without undue sacrifice, and might open possibilities like early retirement, but certainly not mandatory, at least once you have emergency funds in place.
They stayed home. It sucked.
I get paid twenty-five dollars an hour, so that’s roughly what I value my time at. If I can get paid several times that for sitting around an airport browsing the internet, I’m gonna take it (unless it causes me to miss an important event, of course).
Amazon has tahini for a fairly reasonable price, at least the last time I looked.
They’re good for you in moderation, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend them for idle snacking; easy to end up eating too much that way.
If eating it regularly is something you aspire to, you could invest in a dehydrator. Still not super cheap, as the raw meat is somewhat expensive, but you can halve the cost or so.
25%? I’ve always heard 30%, and even that is wildly unrealistic for someone with a low to mid income living in an expensive city. The amount you spend on housing is much more dependent on local cost of living than pretty much anything else, so I don’t think one number is going to make sense for everyone.
Also, housing…
Then maybe you shouldn’t be running or lifting weights, and find something you do enjoy. I think way too many people do those two things as they’re the accepted “default” exercise, when they could be playing a competitive sport or dancing or rock climbing or whatever else they’d genuinely enjoy.