I've never been an uber fan.. not even close to a fan fan... but hell, that makes me want to play!
I've never been an uber fan.. not even close to a fan fan... but hell, that makes me want to play!
5 for me.. I've probably gone through that before..
Well, at least the thievery was from good games and not.. say.. Barbie's Pony Escapades or something...
No more PrinHammers?.. Aww, well the reign was well done, can't wait to see who takes up the penguin mantle.
Gah, always in London.. not fancying a 4+ hour car ride in traffic.. patience is a virtue.
They just wanted to crowd around the female...
I lasted 30 seconds before I had to go sit in the corner to hug my knees and rock back and forth... all better now, but I'm not listening to any more of evil Uru's monotonously cheesy voice.
I like my games like I like my food.. I have favorites, but you can't expect me to eat/game the same thing everyday. Sometimes it's a good sitdown with an adventure game, sometimes an RPG, my coworkers brought out the FPSer in me, and then there's sitting down to an mmo, or perhaps a platformer. Maybe I'm in the…
As interesting a war it could be, I'd still place my money on my DS for gaming, though I'd love to see what's next on the portable gaming front.
Something better? From what.. Imagine Babiez to... Imagine Toddlerz?!
Greeeen... must... have green....
And now we play the waiting game... I'll probably be something like... 28th or 42nd
I'm the opposite.. now that I know there's some work going into the endings, it's giving me even more motivation to get this!
*casually glances into Lucas Art's bag of excuses*
The first four to five years of my life.. and possibly one week... unless flash games count. Then, well.. probably just a few hours.
Dangit, I'm not in LA anymore~
I get mutually frightened by both, but I think I was close to chucking the controller at the tv more often by FF than SH.
Yay~ I have been waiting for this for a while now (but waiting far longer for that blasted movie that never came about).
Just hitting two years, give or take, DS lite (white) hinge crackage with added speaker death (on and off).
Use grays and brown in their corresponding settings (for the most part).. if the game is post-apocalyptic, war-torn, or haunted via Siren/Silent Hill, of course I don't expect it to be Viva Pinata colored. But yeah, I do miss color sometimes~