Rise of the Robots is the only one sticking out in my mind like a giant red flag at the moment.
Rise of the Robots is the only one sticking out in my mind like a giant red flag at the moment.
Wasn't Tinkerbell a pixie?...
I think I'll be content cheering on the others from the safety and comfort of my chair~
In England, but could I really bother to write something coherent that people would bother even more to read?
Ask and ye shall receive... a green DS. I did ask.
@Revolutionary: If that was the case, they shoulda went with the yellow jumpsuit or the plain pants.. the pants look based on the later, current version of Law.
I'm sorry, I don't see the resemblance either..
I prefer a sage green but green is green and I'm the one who wanted a green DS a while back. Good timing cause the lite I'm using now has a slightly cracked hinge and the speakers go on and off whenever it feels like.
Oh silly video game art and design degree, how I loathe thee...
Let the gothic lolitas join the fray!
Order me up, I'm interested in giving it a try.
Suikoden II, one of the first series I fell in love with.
Barbarian Illustrated: Swimsuit Addition
I'm in it for the Gashapon collecting.
I use Netvibes for my reader also
Must.. have.. cuteness level... rising!
Mike, your mom is awesome. That's a great sense of humor she has, glad she passed it down.
Happy Mother's Day to moms everywhere.
Missed out on three~ Didn't do so bad ^^
On GTA III, I used to just hang around the mall with a couple machine guns and the bazooka (for the inevitable copper chopper) and just hang around picking off people...