
Currently around £196 @ Amazon UK and

Ugh, that's like saying they don't want my money.

@IvanDashSmith: Check the bottom of the page under the Description tab where it says 'Item Specifics'. For Original/Reproduction, it states Original.

Awww, Harley is absolutely adorable looking...

I've gamed more on the phone than my portable (and definitely more than my console) lately simply because I have no time to get a good game in during the work week. Most of the day is crunched by traveling to work, work, and then traveling back, dealing with food and household chores.

@battra92: My old semi-boss once said he had a date with a gal... who then had to cancel because she came down with the Scarlet Fever. True illness or little white lie?

@p|-|15|-|: Geez, that list reminds me of a piece of my gaming history.. and I love'm all!

@Teammash: I *heart* Dragon Force for the Saturn


I'd use it. The DS book cartridge would probably work when your lazy like me and play when your laying in bed at night, half watching tv, half playing. Plonk it on the dressing table and whenever there's a commercial, go nuts.

@Gaff: Aww.. so we're left with no cool artbooks and swag to cheer us up. *sniffle*

@MyNameIsNobody: Totally agree. I never did list down a few more of the low points of the game, your comment being one of them. There is NEVER a repercussion for anything 'bad' that happens in the game.

Dear Atlus,

@Tracid: *slips Tracid some cookies and milk to sweeten the offer*

@Psudonym: And it would've certainly made up for that first movie...

@Malice Blackhart: Much appreciated. Happy to help give any further insight into a game that's finally not shovelware in relation to other fashion games out in the market for the DS.

I've been playing this game on and off for weeks now. I've pretty much reached the max amount of money my shop can have, unlocked all the unlockables, and could probably buy all the makeup if I wasn't lazy about having to go through the text when buying. And yet I still keep playing...

@krummslist: Only one I can think of is Toki, though there was no butt or bodacious type word in the title. Will have to give it more thought in the meantime.