
Aw man Guam.. I know all you ever get for publicity is random Jeopardy questions and mothers who threaten to send their children there... but this?!

@spider2544: Either that or one of the characters is bound to sparkle. Oh wait, sparkle's already been done? Glitter.. I meant glitter.

@starscar.exe: Reading that made me both laugh and cry on the inside for the idea that it's a real possibility that some, if not all of those would happen.

@Koztah: She was actually one of the worst parts of the movie for me. Her lines were just a little too cheesy for me, though maybe it wasn't her fault entirely.

@emag: Yeah, the construction stage made me think of Rolento as well. Ah well, I'm still holding out for Ibuki some day.

@Izod517: I played for roughly the same time as you, and I have to admit, I feel the same way. While I played it, I thought it was the greatest MMO at the time, but as I weaned myself off and tried other MMOs, I realized that it was quite painful in some ways. Although, I'm sure it has changed since when I used to

I cry easily at games.. hell, I cried when Zero gets killed back at Mega Man X.

Typhoon Days happened every year for me on Guam. Followed by no water days, no electricity days, and that fun few hours afterwards driving through the villages seeing what destruction happened.... hey, don't look at me like that, it was Dad's idea.

I'm already kicking myself for having to have sold my DC2. Make a Dark Cloud 3 and a Trilogy box please!

Forget the hour long waits, now they've simply just shut you out when your server is full. A head start? There's no such thing when you're not even able to get into the server.

@the_loxster: For me, it seemed that a bigger majority of the puzzles turned out to be math ones. My stumbling block!

I think my only real gripe about the tea set wasn't the brewing itself, it was having to wait for the villagers to start 'sweating' for tea. Sometimes you had to walk back and forth into the map several times before they started complaining about needing a cup o' pick-me-up.

@Blue Wizard 422: I am particularly fond of that whole ending scenario and the music from the credits, even if it wasn't the original vocal version.

Pineapple? Deelicious!

Aww.. this is just enough game theme without being completely overboard. It looked absolutely adorable, and their gallery with the music was excellent. Her dress is lovely too, considering I'm not a big fan of pink.

@Narras: This sounds like me with every game that has multiple save slots in it.

@Sigh1515: The story does get deliciously addicting. It's cut into chapters, and luckily, with every grouping of puzzles you find, or locations you eventually unlock, it lets out just enough story/mystery to keep you wanting to find out more.