Apropos to nothing, I really hope they bring the android lady back.
Apropos to nothing, I really hope they bring the android lady back.
I knew I’d heard about him being queer-but-super-quiet-about-it before, but it took foolyoo’s comment to remember it was back when Ian McKellen accidentally outed him on a Hobbit tour.
My mom’s BH&G is worn and well beloved, she gave new ones to us kids when we moved out but I haven’t done a comparison.
My grandmother’s “secret” chocolate chip recipe was just the Toll House recipe with half butter/half shortening. They’re delicious!
To quote my mother: “Whenever I made cakes from scratch it took twice as long and wasn’t particularly better. It just wasn’t worth the effort.”
Oh Jesus, that’s awful but thank goodness everyone survived. Yikes yikes yikes.
Are... are they ok?
So... do the kids get to go to the reception, at least? Do royal weddings have receptions?
Why can’t they just let both be correct? *sigh*
My 10th grade science teacher once took points off a chem quiz for spelling it “aluminium” (which I put down bc of a British teacher), so honestly you’re probably golden.
There’s a theory that the Venus of Willendorf might be a pregnant woman’s self portrait, but either way she deserves better. *shudder*
Came to post that! It’s a life saver.
Trefoils are my second favorite, they’re the ideal tea cookie (British people don’t @ me).
Oh yeah, Wayne Enterprise has a great formula.
As a person who has both stood all day and walked all day for work, I would like to confirm that, barring blisters, bad shoes, or some sort of ailment that makes walking physically painful, standing is infinitely worse. Standing puts all your weight on one or two parts of your foot, driving them into the cold hard…
Tbf if it’s your first time and you’re used to using applicators, it can be tricky to figure out how far up they go. Not pushing them up all the way is super painful and also leaks.
I worry about this attitude re. moon hoax people, especially as everyone who watched the broadcast gets older. Buzz Aldrin won’t be around to punch conspiracy theorists forever.
Upright Tripod 4 life!
Mary Roach had a new book come out a year or two ago (nonfic), she’s both amazing and hilarious, Nnedi Okorafor has some new stuff out (sci fi), and The Woman Who Smashed Codes is still queued up behind a couple of other books on my shelf, but I’ve only heard good things about it.
English Vinglish is wonderful, and she was absolutely incredible in it. I can’t believe this.