In the 1950s an Irish art student literally just walked into the Tate, grabbed a painting from the wall, and walked out again, right past the staff.
In the 1950s an Irish art student literally just walked into the Tate, grabbed a painting from the wall, and walked out again, right past the staff.
I mean, they never got the people who broke into their own offices.
Eh, sometimes it’s being a lazy hypocrite (mea culpa), but you could also just be overworked/have a crap schedule, or maybe you don’t believe but still like the tradition/ritual/holiday music, or maybe you just go for your parents’ sake. Those are all internally sound.
The radio in my area doesn’t seem to be particularly into Christmas Shoes, so every year when this discussion starts I manage to forget about it for 5 glorious minutes until someone brings it up.
They were pretty much the only people saying “25% means there’s still a pretty good chance he’ll win, guys.”
Those bracelets are basically just the mandatory lanyards we used to braid at summer camp.
*whispers* It’s the drugs, Bobby.
I phrased that last comment poorly, granted and apologies. My point is that cheating puts a partner at risk, because people should know when they need to get tested for STDs. That’s it! That’s the whole thing. I thought it wasn’t particularly controversial.
I’m not “arguing” for anything beyond safe sex practices here, I’m not sure why you’re opposed to that.
Condoms break and some STDs can be spread through areas they don’t cover. There’s a reason “get tested when a new partner enters the mix” is Decent Sex Ed 101, even with protection. It’s not guaranteed to happen, no, but it’s not exactly unheard of either.
How is getting an STD not harm?
People can get really judgmental about re-homing, even when the circumstances mean it would be best for the animal as well, and assume that the human is just a bad pet owner/irresponsible layabout/monster.
This this this this.
I’m not saying the spyware was a proportional response, but cheating can put the other partner at risk for STDs. That’s harm.
Describing the accusation as “taking a pop at him” was really something else. Fuck him.
19 year olds are adults, but they’re teens too. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and the brain is still developing at that point.
Sweet potato pie is delicious and also made from mashed sweet potatoes, so if you don’t like the texture of the regular food you may be able to stomach the pie.
D: I hope your scalp is better!
“Oh we can’t? Because of the Constitution?” DYING.
Fwiw I’ve heard that the vinegar and baking soda thing isn’t that great for your hair in the long term, bc it fucks with the pH and breaks down the bonds that give hair it’s shape.