Fwiw the fact that a lot of men do seem to be getting the message and trying to re-examine does mean something. It’s not easy to soul search like that, so the number of men saying similar things all over the comments gives me some hope.
That’s fine. I don’t think he was trying to be anti-Semitic, but I do think it was some crap phrasing. I’ve certainly said my share of incorrect shit without thinking through the implications.
“What I’m saying is that there is a little truth to all the rumors so I’m going to die thinking that Jewish guys put their weiners through bedsheets.”
See, repeating the rumor doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that when people were like, “nah, man,” he doubled down with “lol I’m gonna believe it anyway.”
I’m Irish Catholic/half Jewish, I have 14 aunts/uncles and 20 first cousins on one side, and there’s a little truth to all rumors so I’m going to die thinking that you’re an antisemitic jackass.
Their CEO also looks like a model, if that’s how you choose your business endeavors.
I’ve had success with candles,* but you want to do it with a non-scented ones, which means you’re basically limited to tea lights and the winter holiday candelabra of your choice.
You... you know they still exist, right?
Emily Rosa would like to have a word with you.
And if your job hadn’t let you leave early, you’d have been screwed.
Ugh, I hate that. They try to justify it by saying they’re just listing the terms, but outside of a formal “we are talking about discrimination and the awful shit people do, so we don’t ever do it ourselves” framework, there’s no point beyond bragging that you know racist slurs. It’s not something to be proud of, dude.
FWIW, it sounds like you’re on the right approach.
Everyone seems to be saying the same thing, so clearly there are in fact real people on there! Bumble just never shows them to each other, apparently.
Yes yes yes, came here to literally say the exact same thing. It got kind of Stepford-y after a while. I’m confident in my appearance, but not THAT confident.
Someone doing the bff function on #twinja mentioned that all the women were yoga and brunch types, and that seemed to track pretty well to the types of men I saw. Very much the 24-30ish yuppie, who works in PR or finance and goes to a very expensive gym.
I’m further down the coast, and getting matches wasn’t a huge problem, but I kind of gave up after the first dude to reply turned my question about his dog into a blowjob request. :/ I know the swipe ratios are a little different for men vs. women, though, as pogmonster broke down.
[Note: This isn’t even unique to women. Look at Terry Crews talking about why he felt like he couldn’t do anything when that producer groped him, or basically any interaction black people have with the police. You’re polite and stay quiet in self-defense, so the situation doesn’t become even worse.]
A couple of additions to what’s already been said:
*sees all these space ladies in lego form*