
All the upvotes for the deadly accurate description of Liam.

I don't hate it but I've also watched all of it for 'free' on Prime/HBO, months and months after it came out. That helps. Lol

I tried with the first movie and really, truly, honestly did not get it as a phenomenon. That's fine, of course, but it felt odd seeing how I don't even hate on the The Maze Runner series.

While I am honestly fascinated by your determination to drag out every concern troll chestnut from the last 15 years as slowly as possible, I'm going to do us both a solid and block you now. Sweet dreams, my cowardly little lion. Go forth and spread your anonymous hot garbage somewhere else. You are free! FREE!

Durn. It had been so long since I've seen a mention of him I had almost - almost - forgotten he existed. Thanks for spoiling that. lol

Says the coward with a private account. lol

I don't think I've ever seen her wear stripes. They could look good on her, who knows? Maybe she should branch out a little from the solid colored pantsuits.

Sure, why not? A bully who is also insane. Or so says the private disqus account. What'cha hiding there, bud? :)

Nah. Didn't you get the memo? I'm a Big Bad Bully. Shits real good over here! Anytime I start to sweat things I go kick a baby as hard as I can. Problem solved.

Awwwww. Did you just offer to send me your cellphone for free? That's actually………really sweet of you. I can't promise I will break it though. I might just use it. That cool too?

I'm out. One too many episodes in a row making me wonder what the HELL I liked so much about this show last year because this season is a load of hot garbage. :(

Concrete evidence to be sure. You got me dead to rights there, buddy. I would say I don't how I live with myself but, you know, my status as a Big Bad Bully kind of insulates me from things like that. Upside, AMIRITE?

I find your Debbie Downer take down to be strangely incongruous to your avatar. It's weirding me out a little. (Note: I totally agree with your actual statement. Depressing, ain't it? *sigh*)

What are the odds that they hire someone who looks *exactly* like him?

Yeah, that one comment is clear evidence of me being a bully in real life. I must be the WORST, huh? lol

Sure, now try and view that scene as someone - a really effing poor someone, mind you - who sprouted double-C boobs overnight in 1983 and was subjected to a lot of really gross and shaming behavior because of it. Really try to feel the helplessness and lack of agency of a young girl in that situation, like there is no

I understand that I, personally, place more value on a child's right to not be exploited than inanimate objects, no matter how much those objects cost. He got off easy in that scene for what is legally considered sexual predation in 2016. I simply don't see the camera being tossed as 'bullying'. If your opinion is

Right? lol
The price is just bit higher than the unlimited DVD plan from yearsssss ago, with the upside being that I use the plan so so so much more. (I rarely managed more than 4-5 DVD's per month.) In that same time frame my cable bill has probably gone from, like, $125 to the $240 I pay now even though I have not

Well, I guess I just have different views of someone taking illicit pictures of a half naked underage girl. Bullying, to me, is based on nothing other than ego. So, you know, nothing. Sexual deviancy/pedophilia is not nothing.

Speaking as someone who as born in 1971, I MOST DEFINITELY remember using 'douche' as an insult quite a bit during the 80's (along with much more unfortunate words like f*g and retard, *sigh*) but have no memory of putting it together with '-bag'. Just my experience with it. :)