
I love that this thread keeps going. :)

I love that this thread keeps going. :)

Awww, man. I'm sorry. :(

Awww, man. I'm sorry. :(

test test test test.............OMG LIKE IT MATTERSSSSSSSSSS. :(

2-3 20 ounce diet cokes
Varies with the loose tea. Today I had about 60 ounces of a white tea (iced), yesterday was about that with an iced green tea.

Oh boy. Hard pass on this one. I still appreciate the honest review, so thanks for that. I've given up on media getting autism right so can't say it's surprising. This one sounds worse than most though, as far as basing a whole show around it. Yeeeesh. :(

I liked the first one enough to give it a go. The genre is soooooo done (particularly the odd/brilliant detective bit) but a couple scenes really were intense and pretty shocking/surprising to me. Sepinwall has seen 6 of the 8 episodes and says it's solid, at least up until that point, I don't usually go wrong

I do this, but with black beans instead of the mushrooms. It's basically a one pot meal. NOM.

I liked it like I like certain big budget movies - a fun, fast, easily consumed bit of pop culture that I then never think of again. See: Fast and Furious series, new Star Trek, etc.

I had her show on a lot in the background while I cooked/ate dinner w/husband. I don't get the hate for her on MSNBC….but I also get why people don't love her either. The show was boring af - absolutely nothing to hate OR cheer about, nothing to go viral, etc. You can't make it nowadays without making waves on one

Noooooooooooo. Honestly, if you gave me a choice between licking Satan's asshole or using Kinja on this site……….Kinja is the worst system out there. I'd rather have, *shudder*, a FB system.

So…..that happened. Jesus. The Sherlock finale made more sense. 0_o

You…. used your first Disqus comment to call me stupid? Huh. Not sure I should feel honored or sad for you. Oh wait! I can do both things. So, uh, thank you, sad little person?

I watched the first two episodes, one in the middle (that set up the nanny story) and then the last one. Honestly? Don't feel like I missed anything. It was a great season. lol

I honestly found that super distracting re: Secret Service. It really really really stood out. I mean, WTF? They used to at least put USSS outside of the room, you know, to be SOMEWHAT realistic. I would hope that we live in a world where a President talking openly about his connections to the assassination of his

I, uhhhhhhh, actually really like The Catch. This season. Total snoozer in its first season but the changes they made are totally working for me this year. It's just crazy nonstop soapy bullshit. It's like Sexy Times White Collar, if White Collar had twice as many regulars/plot lines. It's not Peak TV but it's more

I seem to remember SAG union rules are that actors with names in the opening credits get paid the same per episode, regardless if they are on screen or not, but actors considered extras are definitely on a sliding scale. (No lines = much less $$$ for them.) Someone please feel free to correct me if that's wrong and I

Goddamn it, these comment pop ups fucking suck. No one CARES about the rolling scroll. Keep it. Just open a new page when you click on something. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.