
SO MUCH STUPIDITY in that second episode. So, so much stupid. It burned. Like fire.

Person of interest. I'm way early on that but all signs are pointing to great, great things for this final season.

He almost killed that one guy. I mean, he kidnapped and knocked him out so it wasn't NOTHING but with Huck that's like a regular ole handshake.

It's like one of those weird Chinese<->English translations (Sleepers<->Game of Silence) where it comes out the other side totally unrecognizable.

You know, I read this site (along with a couple others) religiously. RELIGIOUSLY. Every single day. Who's on top of pop culture? ME, that's who.

I sincerely hope it does CW numbers right out of the gate next year for killing her off. She was too good for that show anyway though, right?


The ONLY good thing this season, IMHO, was that they put Huck back in the corner where he belongs. (I've long since given up of them getting rid of him.) Can you imagine how much WORSE this season would be if Huck had some story lines of his own going like last season? YUCK.

Wow, that Mellie tirade was WAY OFF the mark, wasn't it? SHE'S not entitled? SHE'S NOT ENTITLED? HER? lolOLOLOLOllololololol!

Gwen, thank you for sticking it through to the end. Don't think we do not understand the sacrifice……….because we do. We really, really do. If you need help managing your anger/disgust, I'm sure the reviewer of Dexter's last season has some pro tips for you. Signed, Me.

Ask JK Rowling. Maybe she knows. Nothing says independent woman like writing under a fake male name. Lol.

I don't know if I WANT this (I don't) but I'm surprised the JD Robb series hasn't been made into a tv show yet. It's *kinda* like Castle, only set in the future and with (way) more sex. Sounds perfect for a lessor cable network and there are like 35 fricking books to draw from.

Honestly, at this point I hope he doesn't ever release this. Because if he does he sure as SHIT ain't releasing the one after that so let's just cut the cord now and be done with it, eh? Seriously. If/when he releases this then the clock immediately starts up for the next one and we have to do this all over again in

Haven't we learned from the movies that you just need to break your thumb to get out of handcuffs? Break, not cut off. FBI guy is an over-achiever. lol

Considering the racist, ignorant fool that is currently the sitting governor of Maine, I actually have no issue with Claire winning the post in tv Maine. That is the one believable thing in this episode for me for sure. lol

I saw it as a professional concern as well, seeing as what he just had to suffer through in that surgery. He waited until they were alone and didn't use it to shame her in front of her colleagues or beat her over the head with it. Nothing wrong with that, I think. THAT BEING SAID, wow, what a weird character pick to

I don't hate Bailey but it is crazy how much her character has NOT changed at all since the show started (beyond her relationship details). Meredith, Alex, even Webber I feel have changed a lot since the beginning. I get portraying Bailey as a strong woman who won't compromise her career goals for anyone but it's just

The only thing I can take away from Callie being so delusional as to think taking their child cross country on a whim is that Sara's negotiations over her acting contract are not going well. It totally reeks of Shonda tampering because it makes no sense otherwise.

I could see the 'kidnapping' going off just fine in one way because you KNOW Michael has got a lot of shit on Cyrus at this point that he can release to the press. Tom can just slip in and kill him, of course, but hopefully the writers give Michael a tiny bit of power as a reward for staying with that monster. It's

Oh god, it says a lot that I forgot about that already. YIKES. :(