
I kept watching this, waiting for some big plot reveal. Surely, Olivia is in that house acting sad for some BIG secret reason. Just waiting for something clever to drop but……….that's it? She was there to learn Jake is being set up to be a VP pick and……that's it? This season really HAS been about her being obsessed

That was my feeling as well. That it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be, given the Very Special Episode promos from last week - aside from the ridiculousness that this was such a rare event that everyone had to line up for it, etc. A quick Google says there are 82 kids hospitalized/35 die from gun shots in King

This one is SO easy for me: Sex & The City 2. I would never say the first movie is good, as far as films in general go, but as a huge fan of the series when it was originally airing, I really enjoyed it. It totally worked for me as an extended tv episode/miniseries type thing to go with the original run. Had the same

Well, if you do, I would try to watch it all in one go. I read the 3 books in one weekend (they are pretty skimpy) and then watched the show week by week last summer and all in one go is DEFINITELY the way to go. There isn't enough story there to drag out over two months, never mind years.

Well, I seem to be the only person on the planet who loves The Lake House so there is that. It's premise is ridiculous, laughably bad, makes no sense whatsoever…..but….but….it's SO gorgeous looking, nicely directed, and genuinely heartfelt. Keanu/Sandra are amazing together, of course, so there is that as well. Every

It's amazing how much better this show is when the police detective and dad aren't around. Jesus, why can't somebody kidnap those two and stuff them in a dark hole for the rest of the season?

I'm sorry the life you managed to 'get' includes hanging out on message boards about subjects you find tedious and beneath you. Poor boo. :(

That casting was………………………really weird. Really, really weird.

Ugh. Hate the Mean Girls thing. I don't like the Penny character at all anymore just because she seems to bring out THE WORST in everyone on the show. When Alex was hated, he was being an ass i.e. worthy of being hated. WTF has Penny done to anyone with a last name that isn't Shepherd? It just seems like straight up

I know - I feel a little obligated to comment as a tip of the hat to Kayla and so the reviews will keep coming but…………..I really don't have anything to say about this show. It's not working for me at all.

Been watching it with the husband, liking it less and less with each new episode. It reminds me of most of the Amazon dramas in that there is not enough 'there' to justify this many episodes. (Also, the sound mixing drives me insane. Every scene with Jake and his girl is like *mumble_mumble_mumble*. I have seriously

I'm totally not buying the 'con' side of things yet. It's not just underdeveloped - Sonya Walger REALLY can not sell the mountain of exposition the writers have 'blessed' her character with in every scene she's in. That has to be the writing/direction, right? Because she sold a whole lot of nonsense on LOST without

Oh god, I'm dumb because I didn't even consider that the paternity test meant anything other than Adam not being Adam. Durrrr. That's Soap Opera 101: The Secret Adopted Kid.

I watched the whole run again a few years ago too (Netflix?) and was surprised how well it held up. (Minus the hair and clothing, of course, which are hilarious.) Still brilliant.

It's VERY White Collar vibe-ish but you know what? I watched all
whatever seasons of that and enjoyed it. That show wasn't great but was decent 'filler' tv and the cast worked well together. Pretty people doing pretty things wearing pretty clothes. I don't hate that sometimes. Probably belongs on USA though, right?

I thought the show was pretty entertaining for a premiere but, MY GOD, did I stare at those fake eyelashes the ENTIRE time. I feel like having those on all day might be just as bad as the clunky sweaters she wore on The Killing. SET ENOS FREE, HOLLYWOOD!

Right? lol
It's enjoyable because it's a slicker, better acted, more polished version of (early seasons) Scandal, so basically a soap opera, not because it's providing a realistic view of politics. Seriously, the 11.22.63 review could just be a long rant every week about how the show doesn't explain the time traveling

You know this show won't touch that because it's built on everyone oversharing and ignoring medical law but my read also was that it was totally illegal for Arizona to do that. Like, it wasn't even done outside the hospital. She was still at work, wearing work clothes and whatnot. Good luck telling a real medical

Thank you! I felt deja vu with the baby thing and thought for SURE I had watched someone do that same procedure. Addison. Yessssss! That is it. I'm so glad there are people out there with better memories than me. lol

These last few episodes have finally killed off any memory I had of this show ever being good. It was good at some point, right? RIGHT? We weren't all delusional at the same time? It's almost impossible to believe now, sad to say. This shit isn't just bananas, it's shit bananas. Shitty shit, shit-filled bananas of