
OMG, I go through that when my husband is watching TBBT. I know people think that show is terrible because of things like 'plots' and 'acting' but, in reality, they should hate it because those two apartments do not work together in any real-life type of way. Infuriating! lol

I would enjoy this series a lot more if it didn't have creepy dread/horror music going on at the end of *every* scene and then fail to produce anything that is *actually* creepy/dreadful/horrific. The Shining this is not, you know? (I suppose they are copying that from Broadchurch but it didn't bother me as much

I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS about that surgery and what is going on under that sheet. SO MANY. (Not so many I would attempt a Google search on it though. Nope.)

I'm here for your reviews til the end, if that helps. :)

I scanned through this article twice looking for his name…….I mean, he is RIGHT THERE IN THE PICTURE. RIGHT THERE. It's unforgivable, I tell you! Gah!

Oh god. Tears and tears if they had done that. For real. I loved those two characters and the way they went out was so heartbreaking. Damn Shonda for killing everyone off so they can't come back for a guest arc. Grrrrr! (What the hell is Kate Walsh doing ANYWAY that she can't come back for a spell?)

I was just so-so on this episode because I need to be in the right mood for that kind of constant constant constant fighting thing (even as I recognize the actors were totally selling it and not making it cheesy, etc.) and I don't like April very much…..but then came that Percy cameo. *gut punch* GUT IS PUNCHED.

I, uhhhh, actually like Madame Secretary. Now. The 1st season I thought was boring and was just background filler for that hour between 60 Minutes/TGW while I cleaned up supper, etc. I started paying attention to it this year and it's……kinda good? I know. It surprised me too. (Not Justified/Mad Men good, of course,

Stoker. He plays a sociopath to perfection. (The movie overall is very good, too.) I admit to liking him in Leap Year as well. It's a garbage romantic comedy but it's the only role I've personally seen him in where he's very loose and smiles a lot. It's too bad he doesn't get more lightly comedic stuff because he's

I like it but, you know, I watch a whole season in 4 days and then I'm done with it until next year. I'm not putting a lot of time/thought into it and dissecting the plots and whatnot. Just because the show takes itself seriously doesn't mean YOU have to as well. lol

I would call it a solid summer show, despite it not airing in summer. You know what I mean - it's good enough to keep your attention but you're not going to bother to torrent it or keep up with it when there are a ton of better shows on at the same time as it. (For me I'm in a cable tv/HBO dead zone until mid-February

Actually, it's not. It's a personality disorder, which is something different. Thanks to my soul-killing, emotional vampire of a MIL I know alllllllllllllllllllllll about NPD. Go ahead. Ask me anything about it. lol

Watched this a couple weeks ago and……..I did not like it. I kept going with it because, damn it, the actors are all top notch and figured it MUST get better, it MUST. Nope. It's a few great scenes surrounded by a lot of gobbledy gooked nonsense for me. :(

Looking forward to this one…in a way. My FIL suffered complete and permanent short term memory loss much like this within 2 weeks (!) of being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer (it's a very rare side effect) and it was so much sadder and horrifying than the cancer itself. I can only imagine how heartbreaking the

I feel like we already have this show in Suits. It's hardly a masterpiece but it makes the pissing contests seem fun. And snappy. I didn't see either of those things in this pilot. It just seemed kind of tired. I'll give it a few more but it needs to go full on 'deliciously evil' to keep me interested.

Really liked it. Mopey and dark like a long X-Files episode. Probably works best as a binge, IMHO.

What? They would never forget to list a show they actually review………….ohhhhhhhh. Right.

Ok, if we're doing this, I'll admit in public I liked the LOST finale. lol
It finished up all the important bits on the island (for me) and hit all the emotional bits it needed in the rest of it. (Last season as a whole? GOD AWFUL. That I can't defend.)

I think there is zero chance this will be canceled. They re-upped Tyrant and that show is less watched than this one (I believe?) and less reviewed than BE in any sense, even if it's just talking about how bad it is. Also, they have no Sutter to try and keep in the family. So, much as it pains me, a cancellation seems

I didn't even know that was the finale until I came here to scan the review. Whelp. Tells you how much I've been paying attention to it and anything to do with this show. Hahahaha! (So I guess, as a finale, it wasn't very finale-y?)