
The sixth season of Community didn’t kill Yahoo Screen. Trying to break into an already over saturated market without doing any actual marketing is what killed them. The sixth season of Community was literally the only thing Yahoo offered, and considering that Community had been getting cancelled every season after

I read the headline as Harvey Fierstein and was very confused.

That’s a whole lotta money for a hate-watch.

I always love the guy so upset that the PTA has disbanded. 

Guy Incognito is great, but how about some love for that dog with the puffy tail?

My favourite part about that guy is the unnecessary meanness of, “I don’t recall saying good luck.”

It’s supposed to be random ONE-SCENE characters only, so characters who episodes are devoted to like Hank Scorpio or Poochie are NOT ELIGIBLE.

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What about the 90's Gen X’ers from Homerpalooza. Voice of a generation:

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Mojo the Helper Monkey, though Stuart the Duck is also up there...

My pick:  the kid who said “Stop!  Stop!  He’s already dead!”

“Maybe single people eat crackers, we don’t know.  Frankly, we don’t want to know.”

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I’m partial to the one brief cameo that Matt Groening himself made:

I have to admit that sounds pretty good. I’m looking forward to watching it

I’m glad there was focus on the international numbers. There might be ‘better’ streaming services, but none of them come close to the global reach of Netflix.

And yet, whenever Disney does it, they still manage to make money. Eventually they will be the only game in town. Get ready to see an all Disney Top 10 of the Year in the next 3 years tops.

I just looked up the plot in MiB 2, and insert neuralyzer joke her, because goddamn do I not remember one single thing about that movie. I certainly won’t tell you that it sucked, because that would suggest I at some point formed an actual opinion on number 2.

You can’t just force nostalgia to happen.

This is great news. Every time a soulless, corpse-humping, nostalgia-bait franchise revival dies at the box office, an angel gets his wings.