
I have a similar one that I picked up at TJ Maxx for $5.99. Works great. I use shampoo on synthetic brushes and Shea Moisture African Black Soap on my natural brushes. Love that I can clean a handful of brushes at once. I have one of those small egg-shaped brush cleaners and it tedious to use it to do brushes one at

I have a similar one that I picked up at TJ Maxx for $5.99. Works great. I use shampoo on synthetic brushes and

Gotta love an Iowa farmgirl!

It’s like Tracy Flick grew up. :)

My daughter dated her boyfriend for 5 months before she introduced me. The introduction was finally deemed necessary because they were going to be dog sitting for me while I traveled for work. (Apparently my children believe I am intimidating because my son also dated/lived with his (now) wife for 6 months before I

because of DACA, he’s here legally. However DACA only applies until he is convicted of breaking another law. Then his protection under DACA drops away and he can be deported.

he needs to go to the nearest Sephora and get colormatched. It’s obvious he has an oily T-zone and a nervous tick that causes him to rub his left eyebrow. A good primer would help with that. Sephora can help with that too, although I’d highly recommend one of the new primers from The Ordinary.

Rabies shots aren’t painful and they are no longer given in the stomach. I speak from experience. After a bat encounter I had both a 6-shot rabies series and six immunoglobulin injections (7 shots the first day and then then other 5 were spaced out over a month). Not painful at all. My daugher was 8 and had the

Bwhahahahaha. The image with this story is of Iowa Governor Terry Branstad’s Chevy Tahoe and was taken when he was in the middle of a minor scandal concerning the Iowa Highway Patrol driver speeding to get him between events. They were frequently clocked going over 90 miles per hour. As an Iowa with no love for Mr.

I don’t think he was checking to verify she voted for him. Since he’s always voted for Democrats, he was probably just making sure that he voted for himself.

Hashbrowns? Thought this was tadigh at first and got all excited. :(

20 lbs over what arbitrary weight your family members have decided is appropriate for her? Wankers.

Yes yes yes yes yes. I’m totally Team Nadiya!

Same crap made in China.

George or Faded Glory

The Clinton camp has to be very careful to prepare Hillary to be the winner but not to stomp Trump. She by no means has this election won and she has to continue to bring supporters into the fold. If she rolls over Trump too hard, she risks alienating voters. She has to beat him but in a respectful way. She has to be

this is why I love my O-Cedar O-Duster. It tackles the cat and dog hair (tiny little domestic shorthair and gangly constantly shedding Husky-Greyhound mix). The cat follows it around and the dog is scared of it. Best $20 I’ve ever spent.

The Times Picayune printed a mock movie poster about Katrina. It hung in my office for 7 years and of course now I can’t find it. I do recall that Denzel Washington was cast as Ray Nagin. I will continue to search for it. We flood plain managers are nerdy about that kind of stuff. :)

Long-winded and largely false.

Have you seen the last episode of Season 2 of Grace and Frankie?

Assuming that Tyrion isn’t really a bastard Targereon. :)