
Honestly, I’m still waiting for Joanna to acknowledge that she is not white.  Chip, Jo and the kids were on “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” and not once did it seem to click with the kids that their mom was not white.

Me too.  In my case, the guy is my boss.  Always searching for attention and relavancy.

I think Iowa is just as racist, sexist and homophobic as the rest of the U.S. and I live here.  People are just nicer about it.

Lyz forgot to mention that when Joni and Gail hooked up, he was married to someone else and was her commanding officer in the ROTC. Both of them should have been drummed out of the service for adultery. Not sure why she expected this scum to behave differently with her.  Lyz also characterized Joni’s work in the

I doubt there is much contact tracing going on here.  An extended family member was diagnosed and no contact tracing was done.  I’m in Iowa and our governor’s new nickname is Killer Kim.  She’s earned it.

I didn’t like how Chip used the cancer analogy. He basically said he’d never experienced racism but now that he knew about it, he was going to write checks. Really, Chip? You’ve experienced racism, but in your life, as a white man, it’s a positive thing. It’s this gentle wind that pushes you from behind. You get

The KMart stuff was better. I still have the Martha bath towels from KMart. They have to be at least 20 years old. They are still soft, absorbent and the hems haven’t come out (which seems to happen with every other towel I buy regardless of price and brand.)  They are now white and were originally a baby blue color

I’m in Iowa and if you’re sentenced for a year or less you can serve your time in the county jail, depending on the crime, the county sheriff, and space availability. There’s been a push to increase that to two years to try to keep prisoners closer to home.

I have enough TP for about 2 months.  I buy a bamboo based toilet paper from Grove Collaborative and it takes three big packs to get free shipping.  I also forgot to shut off my Amazon auto delivery so I have a year’s supply of laundry detergent.  I don’t get the run on toilet paper unless people are confusing corona

Casey’s bacon and egg breakfast pizza. Nuff said.

Democrats really need to pull their heads out of their nether regions and realize that the populist rage is what got Trump elected. There are a lot of people in this country who are pissed that things are changing and that they are being left out of that change. We Democrats have to tap into this and appeal to these

I’m Team Propagation. I’ve shared plant cuttings with friends and family (when I can keep mine alive). I have lily of the valley in my garden that came from my grandmother’s garden when I was about 6 years old (50 years ago). I have iris that also came from my grandma’s by way of my cousin and aunt. That same aunt has

That parlor was decorated by someone’s nan in the 1950's. It’s the Queen Mother’s house.

And it’s the home town of Tony Stewart!

The person running for City Council in my town of about 28,000, who campaigned on firing me from my job with the City because I’m fat and Muslim, got trounced last night.  The incumbent got 73% of the vote. 

He’d also shit the bed.  

Ewan. He’s old like me and we’d both be moving at the same pace. We’d also have some great conversations.

I watched the first episode (I also gawk at car wrecks so this is typical for me).  It’s sponsored by Honey.  They used Forever 21 as an example of how to use Honey...on the day Forever 21 declared bankruptcy.  I think that pretty much says it all for the series.

It’s like a car wreck you can’t look away from.  

This collection looks like something from WalMart.  Yes, I expected a change with the death of Lagerfeld, but I didn’t expect this.  I never like all the pieces from a collection but usually I can find one I love.  Not in this case.  I’m going home tonight to re-watch the Chanel-focused episode of “7 Days Out.”