
"Panspermia via snow carrot" is the best sentence I've read today.

We know.

The headline alone had me doubled over in pain.

Oh, the horror.


Are all people from SoCal complete chodes? Give me a break... I guarantee if you ever saw a tornado you'd shit yourself. What a moron.

Thanks, you should! Scary times here in the States...

Top Notch! Thinking outside the monitor.

Just looks like the 4 with rounded edges.

So, it's legal to smoke guinea pigs?

Should there be a TM after the phrase "truly living On Purpose". Give me a break. This drivel doesn't fly in the real world.

Judging by some of the comments below, a good amount of those dicks are Gizmodo readers. Were not just talking about some deadbeat in a one horse town that want's broadband so he can watch porn. Kids in school today have to have access to learn, keep up and succeed. You think because a kids family is below the poverty

@Panzercat: How dare a poor person have a computer! You can be below the poverty level and still have a computer, which is a one time expense. Broadband, which is becoming necessary in today's society, is on average $50 a month (at least that's what I pay). To a single mother below the poverty line (we're in a

@DePaulBlueDemon: If you have two different types of coffee, and you ad the same amount of cream to each, they still taste very different.

It looks like a souped-up Hover Round. Is this for geriatric cops who just refuse to retire?