
Quebec is our Florida.

What makes it all the more egregious is that they KNOW theyre lying to gullible rubes. Koch Industries isnt stupid. They just quietly move their own industries further inland and quietly future-proof themselves while continuing to tell Cletus and Bubba that nothing is going on and all those uppity scientists are

For me the worst part of the “flash-sideways” was that they specifically went out of their way to do the dramatic zoom in on the island at the bottom of the ocean.

I really wish it had been an actual alternate timeline revolving around what would have happened if the bomb had gone off, with every single change


I edited Ken Saito’s latest piece...

He looks like “Old Man Sabretooth in a Trench Coat” in that picture.

The break is when you walk out because it sucks, then watch the rest on Netflix when you’re drunk and masochistic.

Personally I’d like to see Nathan Fillion. He has both comedic and serious acting chops, I bet he and Reynolds would have good chemistry. Think Captain Hammer mixed with a more gruff Malcolm Reynolds.

Sticking with the “Saga Episode Every Other Year” thing, that would bring us to potentially Episode 16 in 2033 and the 10th (including Rogue and Han) Star Wars Story in 2034.

Comic book Wolverine regenerated after his atoms were scattered by an nuclear blast.

I think it works much better for him to just say “Go on, do your duty,” if you think about who Stannis is - resolute a lawful-neutral character.

I think Terminator and Aliens fans can take hope from Star Wars. There’s a franchise that at one point was in just as bad shape, that has come back strong with a little bit of good brand management.

His real name is Red Cupps...

Of interest is that NASA tried out a beeswax cooling system on the bike

More likely I expect people didn’t look past the window dressing, or their own preconceived notions, and just dismissed everything.

I don’t.

Well, it’s a political situation straight out of an Adams book.

With all it’s flaws I enjoyed it.

Why fix your broken ice breakers when you can kill the EPA and enact measures that will quickly melt the ice in the Arctic ?