
The secret I have found for dealing with the profoundly irrational is to simply ask them “Okay, what proof would you accept that you are wrong?” Put the ball in their court. Ask what authority they would accept as valid, what documentation would change their minds.

Ah, but he was Canadian, which means that you need to translate the words into British (pro-tip: If you can’t speak at least basic English in Canada, you are considered a wog, and will be shunned) English, which is a whole other kettle of fish.

I’ve seen it happen rarely where my signal syncs up with the person in front of me - even weirder is when it syncs up for 3-4 blinks, and then goes out of sync.

I put in some lovely dark purple hardy asters last year. The bees loved them. I’m crossing my fingers in the hopes that they come back up this spring. Plus, they bloom in late summer, when there isn’t that much else going on, since the daylilies that pre-date my residence are all finished flowering by then.

Look for Russian Sage. I planted two by my front door when they were super small and they’ve exploded in size in just a couple years. Bees love it.

Just so you know. The stuff you buy at home depot was probably already treated with insecticide. Try a Natural Gardening place in your area.

I would go as far as to say “a memory of light” is one of the best conclusions to any series I’ve read or watched, period. Absolutely worth the slump to me. I can only hope George RR Martin will be able to wrap up his series as satisfyingly 

WoT has a definite slope. Eye of the World is a great novel imo, and the next few books continue that with a good pace. Things start to slow down with The Shadow Rises, and by the time one gets to Crossroads of Twilight it’s almost unbearable as almost nothings happens in all of its hundreds of pages.

Based on my name its pretty obvious I’m a Wheel of Time fan so I’ve thought about the potential adaptation. Considering Harriet has said there is a deal from a big player I hopeful its real and its a TV series. If it is I think there is a decent way to adapt it without it being too unwieldy.

There’s nothing even in the extended realm of mathematics that suggests that space-time’s relationship to light will change at all. The rule is: space-time can do whatever the hell it wants to do, and everything that exists in spacetime from our perspective is unable to be accelerated past C.

Going on ten years now and it’s fascinating. It’s not just capes vs cloaks either. There are the various types of capes and cloaks — for examples, how much of the front is visible? How much does the cape flutter? How short is the cape (short capes are usually reserved for female superheroes) or how long (long capes

Is it wrong that I want to see him star as an grown up Short Round in a soft reboot of Indiana Jones?

If they would have written the story better, the Merovingian would have been revealed to have been a former incarnation of the One who was allowed to move to the newer Matrixes, and wanted to destroy Neo because he was jealous and fearful that he would succeed where the Merovingian had failed. It would fit with the

I read an article about this woman who was a distance runner and suffered a brain injury that disabled her short term memory (like in Memento). The injury allowed her to find success in ultra-marathons, the type where the course is like 100 miles and takes a couple days to run. With no short term memory, she had no

You, sir, are correct. Luke Skywalker has not been chilling out by himself for 10 years. Just like Ben Kenobi was playing sabaac with beyond the grave Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke has been “training” in the same way that Obi-wan “trained” after Episode III. Force ghosts have been teaching him about the mysteries of the Force.

Sooo...a charge of aggravated battery was added to the case I presume?

There was a shocking lack of Druscilla in the above article.

The currents carried him mostly. It’s a whole lot easier to go from Africa to the Americas.

I present the counter-argument