
The dream is gone...

In time, all things pass. Even black holes will die.
Let us enjoy the afterglow of the big bang while we can.

To be fair, WWI was the best thing to happen to the US. It sped up industrialization and transferred a ton of wealth from Europe to the US.

Same old Republican shtick:

The Pinin

Why not Duesenberg, indeed?

The bed on these have an odd angle which makes it look a bit saggy. It might be sagging though, these are notoriously rust prone and has spent its life in a Nordic coast climate.

Voting for politicians based on vapid personality criteria and statements with no real political relevance is part of why we’re in this mess.

Their concept model which I like.................a lot.

I am very impressed with the seamless transition between technical physics terminology and bro-speak. Outstanding effort my good Sir (-brah).

It was the best of times.
It was the blurst of times.

Duct tape!

“Mr. President, will you be announcing new sanctions against North Korea after their missile launch?”

The GOP’s masters have gotten exactly what they wanted. For the last 30 years at least they have been trying to but controllable idiots in the whitehouse. Regan was mentally disabled/compromised. George Bush the first was very clever, also the former head of the CIA. He was followed by the failed attempt of Qualye,

Can you give Dr. Shostak his own weekly column, please and thanks?

Most of us minorities choose not to pull any cavalier shit in similar situations, because it generally ends with us being punched, chocked, or having “committed suicide” by shooting ourselves in the back of the head.

It’s probably a lobbying group for pesticide manufacturers more than for actual farmers.