
It’s easy to forget just how pervasive that feeling of existential dread was during the Cold War (or, for people born after about 1980, to have never known it at all).

I remember having a vague feeling of unease everytime a thunderstorm knocked the power out, because maybe that was an EMP?

Then more recently I read

Seriously. It is as if people don’t understand that there are more depths and types of love than eros (eroticism.) There is also storge (empathy and caring), philia (friendship love as strong as your family ties), and agape (unconditional love.) As the Joker tends to be depicted as frenemy, his relationship would fall


Need to up your game a bit i think ;)

Streetcars work really well if they’re paired with good urban planning. They don’t make sense as a standalone system.

At the very least you seem to be ignorant of the difference between ‘excepting’ and ‘accepting’. Quoting you:

Don’t forget Saudi Arabia’s other cash flow problem: Sunni Saudis providing buku bucks to the barbarian ISIS Sunnis. Now they can’t fork over money like they used to.

The goal of the cabal is three-fold
1) make money off something that shouldn’t be taxed (carbon emissions)
2) use that money to redistribute wealth from developed countries to developing countries
3) ha ha ha now the US and Europe are the world’s underclass

It’s a life of quiet dignity.

Thanks for writing this. I’m an aerodynamicist at one of the Big 3 (Big 2.5 these days) and I always love seeing our craft get exposure!

The Cold War started again when the Russians annihilated the Georgian Military in two weeks when the US and Israel were training and arming Georgia to be a Vietnam for the Russians.

Why would you think it won’t be around too much longer? It still makes over a 100 million a year. There’s only 5 mmo’s that have ever done that.

Here’s an interesting explanation I found, sounds like superheating one side of the asteroid alone would be highly effective (I bolded for you TL:DR types):

we’ve all been bored at our jobs without new articles. i had to resort to actually working.

Billionaire risk-taker Bruce Wayne should be Daredevil, and the guy with echolocation should be Batman.

Here’s when I became a big proponent of always using the parking brake.

People seem to care, but have no power to effect change.

On road trips I regularly see people pass me, then get passed, then pass me, then get passed. They hilariously act like assholes too. I have cruise control on bud, not sure what the fuck your doing.