

Anyone else not really give a shit about GoT anymore?

there’s such a weird correlation between the anti-trust investigations and companies seeming to work better together

Because that ignore the fundamental way that people buy cars.

When purchasing a vehicle, a major consideration isn’t about what someone will do, but about what they COULD do, and about how they want to look (not) doing it.

Now playing

There’s a small subset of humans that manipulate many others towards war. It was probably best stated by a Nazi:

Awesome! It’s from that brief period when Jean-Ralphio was Commander.

That’s why the fight is brilliant: those stances Obi-wan takes are call-backs that are meant to lead Maul. He starts with the stance that Maul expects, the form that he took in his prime during the Clone Wars. Then he transitions to a more simple form, calling back to the one he held often as a padawan, and then

I don’t buy stocks either, nor do I condone wallstreet. I don’t even approve of publicly traded companies, either. Silicon Valley wouldn’t even exist without the speculative fiction that is venture capitalism, either.

You’re basically describing stocks here.

I’m less concerned about Snoke’s other apprentices than I am the one we’re already aware of.

Solo: I’m realizing more and more that I would care more about this if it were more along the lines of “The Adventures of Han Solo” and was a mini series following the many smuggling runs, successes and failures of Solo before he meets Luke. As a series it could allow for more creative freedom and could also act more

Rey’s parents: It sounds legit, I don’t have an issue with it, BUT.... I’m just a little bit suspicious that Kylo Ren may have lied to Rey about her parents. Remember Obi Wan originally lied to Luke about his father. If a more trusted character had to her, I wouldn’t be suspicious.

“Why are we on Hoth? And doesn’t it seem a little warm?”

It’s the same gag Yoda pulled on Dagobah. Everything he does from the moment she shows up on the planet is a test. He’s conflicted about interacting with her, but he’s also testing her to help figure out how he should handle her.

Did anyone have this game when they were a kid:

But isn’t it really a bimetallic standard seeing as how governments back it up with lead and plutonium?

Every time I read or hear about crypto fiat currency, the phrase “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” comes to mind.

Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.

Really, there’s only one way Trump making first contact can go down:

Based on the article, it sounds more like having an unqualified baby as president might have been what got the reporters the on-the-record sources they needed to publish this. “What, you think I’m afraid of Trump firing me? I already resigned, and he still has like 2000 empty State Department positions to fill; he