
Dogwood honey. Horribly bitter if you’re a super-taster like me. Tastes like you just killed all your taste buds with something caustic.

Warm, sheltered, access to water, isolated area... yep. Beehives check all those boxes. Used to see a few northern black widows every year.

You get bonus points for naming the right company as the villian, instead of the incorrect (but also terrible) Monsanto.

Ontario tried regulating the 3 primary neonics. They just switched to a 4th one to avoid regulations. If the current neonics (basically chlorinated nicotine) are banned they just switch to ones based on fluoridated nicotine, and it will take another 10-20 years before everyone agrees that “yep, those are just as bad

Yep. And standard practice in toxicology is to look only at the target compound when determining ‘safety’, while ignoring interactions with co-applied chemicals.

In a honeybee, neonics permanently bind to neuroreceptors, causing cumulative and irreversible damage, specifically in areas important to learning and memory.

Really GM? Still with the hydrogen? Thought storage and energy density issues had caused people to give up on hydrogen fuel cells...

I just want a controller that fits in my giant hands. N64 is the only one was that’s ever been comfortable for me to use.

Sounds like you needed a good union to look out for your interests.

Seriously? With labour market conditions that are the worst they have been for employees since before ww2, I think now is when we need a revitalized union movement more then ever.

I work as a bee inspector. I’m supposed to use rental vehicles for work, which is fine, except I’m only allowed to expense ‘compact’ class cars. Also, ok, except:

It could be argued that Irish/British/German/Dutch all have significant contributions to their gene pool from Scandinavian Viking stock, and therefore really are interchangeable in a way that Japanese/Korean or Sicilian/Polish peoples would not be

I hate them because i’m tall (6'4). While they are great trucks from a practical point of view, they are the most horribly uncomfortable things for me to actually sit in. The seat is too low to the floor, and the roof is also too low.


Tall hatches are the answer. I’m 6'4 and drive a Kia Soul. One of the few cars I could sit in an upright position and still see oncoming stoplights without resorting to a fully reclined ‘racecar’ seating position (or having my knees come up to where my hands are).

Starred for the Lebowski reference. Damnit, now I want to see Jeff Bridges play a Jedi.

Our brains are already floating in a very effective Faraday cage commonly referred to as cerebrospinal fluid.

Not hard to understand when you use the proper words to describe something. Double parking means something very different than taking upm2 parking spots.

As someone who’s on the tall end of things (6'4) I’m skeptical. In my experience there is no such thing as a comfortable seat in a car.

If it’s anything like the Canadian situation, it’s probably a group primarily funded by ag-chem companies and grain farmers (whose crops are wind pollinated, and therefore not dependant on pollinators).