
You seem to have missed my point. Colony collapse (which is actually chronic insecticide poisoning) is still happening at a high rate across North America. Looking at overall population numbers does not give insight into the state of honeybee health.

Overall hive numbers are meaningless. Look at in-season losses, which were pretty much unheard of before rampant overuse of systemic insecticides.

As a beekeeper who has seen thousands of hives die from chronic insecticide exposure (and it’s still happening Constantly), I do not find this amusing.

Yep. Optimal foraging.

So basically they’ve just verified that bees use an optimal foraging strategy. In a good pollen/nectar flow they work hard to take advantage of it, when in a dearth, they conserve energy.

Things have not gotten any better. The beekeepers that have not been bankrupted have simply adapted to the new reality of chronic poisoning in thier beehives. The issue is beyond specific pesticides at this point (since if you restrict one, they just switch to an equally bad alternative). The biggest problem has been

You mention how streetcar systems were taken out up until the 1950's but draw the completely wrong conclusion. They were removed because automobile related companies bought them and tore them out in order to sell more buses, tires, and fuel and cars to replace the bought and paid for, cheap to maintain rail-based

But you’re apparently cool with fascism?

At the very least you seem to be ignorant of the difference between ‘excepting’ and ‘accepting’. Quoting you:

Stop buying anything containing conventionally grown corn and soy. These crops are almost universally treated with systemic insecticides (neonics) that are the real culprit behind ‘colony collapse disorder’.

If the bees are gone, we will follow shortly. Casualty #1: industrial scale mono cropping of anything other than wheat, corn and soy.

I’m sorry, but this article is straight up wrong (beekeeper here). Deformed wing virus (like almost every virus affecting honeybees) is an opportunistic infection that only displays visual symptoms in hives that are being severely stressed by other factors.