We might have to wait until it spreads far enough north that white people’s babies are threatened before we see real action on a vaccine.
We might have to wait until it spreads far enough north that white people’s babies are threatened before we see real action on a vaccine.
Yes. The first step in fighting this plague may be for the women in these countries to change religions.
Abortion is health care.
Mariah to her kids, “Daddy was always a good listener and obeyed Mommy, you should follow his example.”
I know I am trying my best and I think he is too.
Well, you can continue to think that, white man. I, a Black woman, will not because I refuse to be simple.
And then some people wonder why PoC want PoC only spaces. WHITE PEOPLE MAKE ME SO FUCKING TIRED.
Ah, I see, you are under the mistaken impression that Blackness is only about skin color. The ignorance and unobservant nature of white people is apparently what allowed so many Black people to pass in the first place, when many of us can often tell what the deal is with a second glance. Even with the facial surgery,…
Um, being a person of color doesn’t actually mean you have to be visibly brown. People of color with albinism are still people of color. People of color with vitiligo are still people of color. The fuck you mean?
but you were a child and not a adult person casting a film.
Light skinned and white passing black people exist...
He acts like he was walking down the street and got plucked and thrown into a van and told he has to play the GD part.
“I’m as shocked as you may be.”
It’s not smoking. It’s vaping. Vapor comes out, not smoke. I wish everyone would just focus on the fact that it has truly helped tons of smokers kick the habit. I smoked for 14 years, vaped for 1, and haven’t done either for 2. My dad smoked for 30 years and has been cigarette free for 2 years now because of vaping.…
Here’s prominent vaping advocate Leonardo DiCaprio doing his thing during Saturday night’s SAG Awards. There’s no…
I mean, I get that line of thinking, but let’s keep it 100: why would she keep bringing that up if it wasn’t to try to shame him? Why would it be shameful?
The thing about Kanye slut-shaming(stripper shaming?) Amber despite Kim’s own past brings to mind a conversation I was once an extremely disinterested party to wherein a group of straight dudes argued whether they’d rather date a stripper or a porn star.
“entry level” - We want you to have a Master’s degree in this field, six other fields, and you cannot be over 22.
I was a deb. Ugh.
The ‘must have two years experience’ thing is insanely annoying. I get that it is expensive to train people, but college degrees don’t automatically come with two years experience on your resume. Everyone has to start somewhere and I feel like a lot of companies lose out on potentially good employees (who they get to…