The funniest thing about this article was that a conversation like this probably happened following the movie:
The funniest thing about this article was that a conversation like this probably happened following the movie:
Unless Marvel Studios snatches the xmen out of the incapable hands of Fox Movie Studios, they’ll keep miscasting Ororo as a light skinned wilting flower instead of staying true to her storyline and respecting her as the African queen and goddess she is!
My friend said that she is going to rename her va-jay-jay Wakanda so Killmonger will terrorize it.
I can’t speak for the author, but to me personally, I roll my eyes because it’s McDonald’s. I don’t have the expectation of getting healthy food there, just like I don’t have the expectation of getting healthy food at Dairy Queen or the cupcake bakery near my apartment.
Cheeseburgers are life. My inner child is sad. My outer adult says that it is time to go get a two cheeseburger meal.
I wouldn’t classify it as a horror movie, it’s more of a psychological thriller. Anyway, I enjoyed it and I don’t like horror movies either.
Kelly = Eggs : High protein good for you and tasty on their own, but most people like it with cheese and onions
The reason this is a dumb idea is that it’s predicated on the concept that people who are opposed to gay marriage are motivated by anything other than a desire to harm gay people. The people who oppose legalizing gay marriage would oppose this idea just as vociferously, and for exactly the same reason: it takes away a…
Also, I’m in the military, and there is literally nothing most of us hate more than parades. They are hot, you have to rehearse a ton, you get yelled at, people pass out, and 70% of the time you don’t care about the event that the parade is meant to honor. They suck. If he wants to celebrate the military he should let…
“The military don’t give you your rights, they’re supposed to defend them...”
Dominic Gwinn over at Mommy-/Warblog Yr Wonkette (which, for those of you who haven’t discovered it yet, is some seriously top-shelf new-media journalism shit, and you absolutely should be reading it) posted a theory about what’s going on here in a comment:
Also, when was the last time the US military was actually involved in a conflict against an actual (as opposed to theoretical) threat to our freedom? 1865? This isn’t to say that the military hasn’t fought for worthwhile causes in the present or more recent past or hasn’t fought to ensure the safety of Americans at…
“celebration of the men and women who give us freedom.”
Jane Doe is fighting the good fight. Because I also want to remain anonymous if I win hundreds of millions of dollars.
MLK’s two sons are in charge of the rights and they definitely knew about this. My understanding is that they’re both Trump supporters, god help us all. They do NOT get along with Berenice, who for some reason does not have any legal say in what the estate does.
I ditched all my friends when I got married because I was Meghan’s age, and, after 15+ years of participating and paying for showers, weddings, and bachelorette parties, and loads of emotional support when the proposals hadn’t happened yet, none of my friends did shit for me when it was my turn. Turns out they all got…
This is absolutely worth celebrating but don’t let the rage die down. She should never, ever have been punished in any way for this, to start with.