It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same.
It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same.
This type of thinking makes me shiver. I got my first period in 5th grade, so while my body was (apparently) “good to go,” my brain was still pretty consumed with pogs and friendship bracelets.
Grooming is exactly what they are describing. Like, to a T.
I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.
This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have…
Yep. Where are all the concern trolls from the earlier articles on Milo at Berkeley who were decrying libtards for suppressing “free speech”?
Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his…
Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in…
I just checked on my brother, who lives in Stockholm. He says he was lucky to have escaped.
I hope, I truly truly hope, that some small shred of this failed human being is experiencing a kind of lacerating, soul-shattering realization that there are millions upon millions of Americans - and others world-wide- who despise him and who are actively working to achieve his downfall. I truly hope that this…
He thought he’d be universally loved when he got elected. The only thing that gets me through this darkest timeline is knowing how miserable he must be seeing how generally disliked he is.
I just fucking cannot with this baby brained moron, anymore. Next he’ll be auctioning flights on Air Force One and the money will go straight to Trump Inc. I’m so done.
Ok you all: I have a problem. I really have not been able to do anything else except surf the news since the election. Some people I know have decided to shut it out (one told me yesterday that the “news isnt gonna get better for four years” so I might as well tune out and save myself the heartache) but I can’t do it.…
I have a good friend who is a member of Mar-a-Lago. I can confirm all of this. The access being granted to these men and women is absolutely, completely unprecedented.
Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.
That doll does not do her justice. She has such a great smile, and the doll looks like it’s about to take the SAT.
These fucking people are so goddamn stupid. A fucking boycott of Smith? These fuckers are boycotting every goddamn thing proving the fact that White People Gonna Fucking White People. I’m so sick of these deplorables. Bunch of spineless, feckless waste of human flesh.
I’ve never heard of Glossier but am on their website, now. Though the makeup isn’t quite my style, I do appreciate how they show what the lipstick will look on different shades of skin. This is very helpful, and I wish more companies would follow suit.