
Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

I listen to a podcast Pod Save America and one of the host made a good point that Donald isn’t unhinged or out of control, this is the same Donald that he has always been, it’s just the circumstances that have changed. He now has the weight and power of the US government and military behind him, as well as the

They “buried” them in a sewer. And while infant/child mortality were high in Ireland at the time, they were much higher at this “home.”

If you truly want to horrify yourself in the brutality of the christian order treatment of the vulnerable try The Magdalene Sisters and Song For A Raggy Boy....The near final scene for the latter is sickening so just be warned.

The fetuses are unsurprising to me. Miscarriages, early stillbirths, nothing to see there IMO. Of course they buried them, they weren’t going to eat them for breakfast.

Also divorce. Which was legalised in 1995.

If Trump is claiming his wires have been tapped, then he’s admitting that *everything* that’s been leaked is 100% he not?

Remember, too (I won’t let this one go) his wife, Ivanka Trump Kushner and Putin’s girlfriend Wendi Deng Murdoch are the “bag men” for this operation.

Does this mean we can call in Logan to take care of it? Please say yes.

This is why we need true black republicans. Not Omarosa or Uncle Ben. True right of center folks that can be at the table to represent African Americans during those 4 or 8 years the other party is in power. Right now we are truly on the sidelines.

A new family. His old 1 came down with a case of the unalive.

I’m so sorry to hear how this has affected your local JCC. I have a number of friends (of all religions) who use the JCC for childcare and I don’t know what they are going to do.

I visited your JCC a few times when I lived in Indy. It’s a lovely place filled with lovely people. (And the water park really is the best!) I’m so sorry this is happening.

I read a pretty plausible theory that they’re using Trump to ram through their legislative wishlist, then once they’re done with him he’ll suddenly go “too far” and they’ll impeach him, thus making themselves look like brave heroes for “standing up to Trump” and simultaneously getting everything they want (except

A couple of things.

it was a travesty that Captain America crying about eating babies didn’t get an Oacar nod. Dramady at it’s finest.

No no no. OLD Scotsman.
Even more cantankerous. Pining for his “bonnie” wife who long since passed.

I’d be shocked if the Scotsman’s presence wasn’t felt in one form or another, he’s easily the most popular secondary character.

I really like how Drax is more relaxed and almost relatable in these. In GOTG1 he was very brutish in how he speaks to everyone and there was so much gravitas. In these he is more part of the family and seems to open up more and be more relaxed.