
Wyoming said it pretty clearly that women are livestock by pushing their anti abortion bill through their livestock and agriculture side of things.

there is no expectation of control.

People who choose to abort are taking responsibility for the results of their behavior. Just not the way you want them to or how you would. How nice for you and your fiancee that your religious rationalizations allows you to “engage” outside of marriage and still judge other people’s moral failings! I’m glad you found

Well, it’s not a life. It is not alive or able to live on its own. If it were possible, sure take the thing out of me and “host” it elsewhere until it is a life. Until then, my body my choice.

Why do you care what SHE does with HER body? Even if you think that life begins at conception, why do you care if she terminates? Why care if she carries to term? Neither of these decisions nor their consequences affect you. You and your partner made decisions for the two of you. I do not agree with them, but I also

I’m nearly eight months pregnant and found out on election day that I’m having a girl. I’ve been saying since then that the baby I’m carrying and I are the most valuable we will ever be in the eyes of anti-choicers since I’m carrying out a woman’s highest duty - incubating a fetus - and anti-choicers don’t care

It seems that those who think like we do in fact are forced to be a part of a species that is not primarily concerned with its vitality.


Well, good for the TWO OF YOU. Glad you were able to make that choice, which works for you. Guess what, your beliefs are not my beliefs and you do not get to dictate what I believe and what I do with my body, just as I would never dream of dictating what you believe and what you should do with your body or the two of

Wow. Fuck him so much. I would seriously stop being friends with him and tell him out-right that what he said to you, and how, was why.

A male friend I’ve known for 17 years actually said the very same thing to my face about a month ago. He said once an egg was fertilized my body was no longer mine. He knows my history. He knows how that affects me since I was raped and post pregnancy (unrelated instances) and still he continued foaming at the mouth

I said basically the same thing. Fuck pregnancy, man. I saw my fetus jumping around in my uterus during an ultrasound and I was like WELL AT LEAST SOMEONE IS HAVING FUN AROUND HERE. I want this to be over yesterday.

Yup. If this is the way things are going, I think we should push for a movement of young women to get tubal ligations or, fuck, even a goddamn hysterectomy. If I am expected to “pre-know” that all I’m good for is being a host while I continue to be fertile, then let’s just take that shit out so I can be a full human

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

Uh, yup.

I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.

And there it is.

My Dad wouldn’t vote for HRC because he was worried about how she would deal with North Korea. I do not see how this is better.