It scares me nonnative people can come to my reservation, and other reservation, assault me, and my family, and they may not get persecuted for it. The FBI can decide to not go after the person and my court can do nothing about it.
It scares me nonnative people can come to my reservation, and other reservation, assault me, and my family, and they may not get persecuted for it. The FBI can decide to not go after the person and my court can do nothing about it.
Confirmed that laughing at a true, unapologetic asshole is far more effective than anything else you can do. You can’t reason with them, you can’t change them, but you can get under their skin by demonstrating that they are ridiculous. I used to work doing reservations over the phone. I dealt with a lot of really…
I was having pizza and tequila recently when a Frenchman struck up a conversation with me about how offensive it is for women to wear hijab. I asked him about Jewish women who keep their heads covered, and he claimed that is also offensive. Then I asked him about nuns, and he screamed about how that is completely…
I use “lol” frequently when I read ranty comments from fundies. It’s brilliant, but the “k” after is like salt in the wound. Going to steal this.
yes, that is an excellent and important caveat!
And in situations where laughter is inappropriate (such as racist/homophobic/etc jokes), the best alternative is to stare blankly and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand the joke. Can you explain it to me?”
Laughter infuriates every right winger I know. They always say we’re so sensitive yet they literally throw a tantrum when I giggle when they say Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Terrorist... sorry dude, it’s hard not to laugh at that.
i love this woman.
So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.
soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?
My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.
Mentally adding “...but in a good way.” to all horrible news I read this week.
Let this be a lesson for all you men out there. When someone questions the very essence of masculinity, immediately cram your panties up your asshole and fire off a poorly written email about why your panties all bunchy and uncomfortable.
“In short, the highly paid leaders at UW-Madison now believe that Wisconsin mothers and fathers have done a poor job of raising their boys by trying to instill in them the values and characteristics necessary in becoming a Man.”
Somebody needs to get this delicate flower into a safe space.
A friend just this morning told me about a dad at Disney World who was refusing to buy his kid a keychain because it “was a girl keychain.” When he saw the look she gave him he added “plus you don’t even have keys.”
That was the moment in my youth when I knew I was gay! That movie is packed with man buns!
Yeah, because Obama used it SO much more than other Presidents.
There were 15 presidents who issued more executive orders than Obama. George W. Bush and Saint Reagan are both ahead of Obama on that list (Dubya had about 30 more than Obama, and Reagan issued over 120 more than Obama did—almost 50% more).
Apparently the Republicans were very unhappy that a number of their members were investigated for things that looked a lot like corruption, even though the investigations never led to formal charges.