So a man goes over to another man who he believes raped a woman and still congratulates him. FUCK ALL THESE ASSHOLES and fuck the patriarchy. I hope Trump will be the one to kill it once and for all.
So a man goes over to another man who he believes raped a woman and still congratulates him. FUCK ALL THESE ASSHOLES and fuck the patriarchy. I hope Trump will be the one to kill it once and for all.
I am always amazed at how poorly his clothes fit. I’m not shaming him for his body shape, I’m just confused. We know he’s a man who cares a lot about his image. We know he’s a man who claims to have buckets of money. Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?
Instead, Koch’s foursome left and played at Emerald Dunes, which Hurt described in his Facebook post as “a much, much better golf course than Trump International.
Honestly, does the man not have ANYTHING to wear that is even remotely tailored to fit his bulbous figure?
Remember when Trump was criticizing Obama for playing golf so much?
If you ask me, megachurches aren’t any better. In fact, their brand of Christianity is usually watered-down bullshit.
That USED to be the home of the Houston Rockets - The Summit / Compaq Center, but now is the main hub of God awful mega Lakewood Church.
Which is funny to me given how many unspeakable things that Charles Barkley did to dancers in that building.
Hey, I say this as a Lutheran, not whatever stadium-megachurch that is. I WISH Luthranism was a bit fancier.
i assumed she wrote dumb shit because why else would she be getting hate. i looked at those pictures and she just pull-quoted bible verses that meant a lot to her. what is wrong with that? she put a fuck ton of work into it too.
Is that not what The Boxcar Children series was about?
A former neighbor gave me a teen bible when they heard I was going to take a class on the Old Testament during college. That bible was unintentionally the funniest thing to read. According to that bible young men discover porn in abandoned boxcars/trailers.
“You tell Ted Turner to keep his goddamn Crayolas off my movies.” - Samuel Goldwyn (attributed)
People are way too fucking involved in other people’s lives. Also, if Jesus is real, I doubt he’d care if a child decorated a bible. In fact, coloring bible versus is like the first 8 years of going to church and you’re sent to the basement to be entertained while real church is happening upstairs.
This is what bibles looked like in the Middle Ages when they were still being hand-copied by monk scribes. All decorated with pictures and shit. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it, haters.
the greatest story ever colorized...