A whiny fourth grader at that.
A whiny fourth grader at that.
And we didn’t see trump do it either, it was another whine session.
Notice what he says about the bust, how it’s a favorite and they have good ones! Like it’s miraculous that Dr. King’s bust manages to be liked despite being surrounded by busts of super cool whites!!
But it also implies some level of awareness that the joke was racist as fuck and that they decided the solution was to make it seem like Asian audience members were laughing rather than cut that shit out entirely.
Damn, you Packers fans are salty! I dig it!
Dude, what the crap? Everyone knows the correct term is schlong!!
And yet, profitable businesses never pay more, do they? They keep the extra profits and continue to pay the barest minimum in wages and go out of their way to avoid paying for health insurance for their employees. Minimum wage stagnates and the cost of living keeps rising and people with full time jobs end up needing…
How many former Goldman Sachs employees did Hillary and Obama give government positions to?
He looks like he is intentionally shitting his pants out of spite.
I can’t help but wonder how many people have gone to a reservation for the sole purpose of taking advantage of that. I’m afraid for every single woman and girl on those reservations, our government is essentially saying that sometimes it’s legal to do those things. If you choose the right location and victim.
Apparently there are now only two diamonds left to be cast and I want her for White Diamond. I think she’s the eldest and I know Janelle can pull off the whole ancient, erudite and absurdly powerful vibe she might have.
I hope their marriage survives, it’s hard when your spouse changes so dramatically.
In the end, we were the real cannibals.
You asked if you missed anything in your list of cliche’s, I answered that question with something to add to your list. I don’t think anyone in an underprivileged minority should be required to do that. It’s like they’re being expected to prove they deserve to be treated like human beings and nobody should have to do…
The ghost of Rock Hudson?
“She could have brought her on the show anyways so they can have a civilized discourse about homophobia. Ellen’s a bad/lazy person for not doing that.” ugh
Perhaps Ellen is tired of trying to convince people like this that she’s a human being and deserves to be treated as such. It must be exhausting having to prove that you shouldn’t be hated and abused by society all the time.
Buy my albums and I may stop saying you’re icky poo poo!