She is a wonderful person and I’m ridiculously thrilled that she’s branching out to acting. The more Janelle Monae, the better. I am calling for a prayer circle devoted to getting her cast as one of the other three diamonds on Steven Universe.
She is a wonderful person and I’m ridiculously thrilled that she’s branching out to acting. The more Janelle Monae, the better. I am calling for a prayer circle devoted to getting her cast as one of the other three diamonds on Steven Universe.
She does have some pretty strong tattered wig game...
Oh yes, bullying is any disagreement whatsoever, duh.
Dems aren’t offended about the starbucks cups, we enjoy mocking the whiny piss babies for sobbing about the lack of Jesus. I think sometimes people miss translate a joke at someone’s expense as offense or hurt. No, we really are laughing at this, it’s beyond funny and we hope it continues for many, many years. That…
You dislike him, that’s fine, are you standing around calling him a primate? No? Then it’s all good. I don’t agree with all of his policies either.
It’s only a good thing for people who know they would be outnumbered if we went with the popular vote.
Yeah, they didn’t embrace the guy who decided to be a democrat for the sole purpose of getting into the white house. Imagine that.
All the best things to do with dancers are unspeakable.
I’m not religious, but that church looks very pretty to me.
You’re good at impressionating the Deplorables, it’s a compliment!
Werewolf solidarity. Happy Holidays!
Like the Dave Franco FOD video where he fucks himself? Brilliant!!
Nazis like skin cancer too!
If Roof has said something that indicates he chose a church for reasons of the religious variety, please share a link. If he hasn’t, you may want to ask yourself why you have to make that claim, why you can’t acknowledge that these people were murdered for being black.
He’s wearing a pair of “Oops I Crapped My Pants” in this photo.
Fuck that, just hand out free brownies. I demand free comfort brownies.
Agreed, it’s more accurate to say that you have very high standards for when it should be used. It’s not appropriate in every case, and we often jump to it when we shouldn’t, but sometimes it is an appropriate sentence.
He was found mentally competent, so yes, we are in fact sure that he’s not mentally ill. Sometimes people kill other people because they are evil.
Dear god I hope so..
That’s nice dear.